Publications by Cassandra Coste

Project 3 Dictionary with Analyst


library(readr) library(tidyverse) library(stringi) library(tm) library(corpus) library(wordcloud) library(data.table) library(stringr) library(kableExtra) Read in data and filter by position all_data<-read.csv("") all_data$position<-tolower(all_data$...

832 sym R (12862 sym/20 pcs) 4 img 3 tbl

CUNY 607 - Assignment 7


Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to practice loading HTML, XML, and JSON files into R. I created each of the files in Sublime Text, saved them in three formats, and uploaded them to Github. From there, each file is loaded into R and converted into a dataframe. The three dataframes will then be compared at the end. library(RCurl) li...

1073 sym R (2573 sym/10 pcs)

CUNY 607 - Assignment 5


Load libraries library(tidyverse) library(knitr) Read in csv file to clean flights_raw <-"", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings=c("","NA"), sep = ",", fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM")) Tidying the dataframe # rename nonsensical columns a...

622 sym R (1964 sym/5 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl

Project Three - Ngrams


library(readr) library(tidyverse) library(stringi) library(tm) library(corpus) library(wordcloud) library(data.table) Load data jobs_df <-"", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = ",")) text <- jobs_df %>% select(des...

390 sym R (3901 sym/11 pcs) 5 img

CUNY 607 - Project 4


Introduction The purpose of this project is to practice using document classification models to predict the class of a document and further to practice using the textrecipes and tidymodels packages. For this project, I will be utilizing the SMS Spam Collection Data Set, a public set of SMS labeled messages that have been collected for mobile phon...

3165 sym R (4777 sym/23 pcs) 1 img

Tidyverse Extend


Tage N Singh TIDYVERSE Create This vignette will provide a brief exploration of the “tidyverse” package using its built-in libraries The tidyverse is a powerful collection of R packages that are actually data tools All packages of the tidyverse share an underlying common APIs as listed below. Lists ggplot2, which implements the grammar of gr...

1899 sym R (4560 sym/12 pcs) 2 img

CUNY 607 - Recommender System


Recommender Systems - An Analysis of Tinder - For this assignment I looked at Tinder, an online dating platform. Scenario analysis: The target users: Any single/looking to date adult (though has a reputation of being most popular with millennials. Key users goals: Connect to new/unfamiliar people with the potential for romant...

3812 sym 1 img

CUNY 607 - Tidyverse Create


Using nest, unnest, map, and tidy functions to model and compare nested data Nest and unnest - creating lists within dataframes and tidy data for modelling This is an introduction to the nest and unnest functions found in the ‘tidyr’ package which is included in the tidyverse. When you nest a data frame you create a column that contains a li...

3550 sym R (2740 sym/12 pcs)

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS)


Exploring Network Analysis with Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting for COVID-19 In this project I explore the United State’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and seek to discover if their are symptoms that are more common in different manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine. Research Question Background and significance: Vaccine Adverse Even...

9355 sym R (8387 sym/30 pcs) 7 img



Starbucks Milk Types Highest caffeine option iced drinks and their sugar content Sweetness by Milk Type Some commentary about Frame 1. A beautiful histogram on this board Some commentary about Frame 2. ...

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