Publications by Eleonora Minaeva, Malo Jan

Assignment 1: Summary of Research Questions


Corruption, Party Leaders, and Candidate Selection: Evidence from Italy How does the press pressure emphasizing the importance of corruption and malfeasance of legislators affect legislators’ renomination? How do ruling and opposition (or, alternatively, major and minor) parties decide to renominate legislators incriminated in corruption?...

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Literature: people's attitudes toward refugees and migrants in times of crisis


Pepinsky, T., Reiff, Á., & Szabo, K. (2022). The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis and the Politics of Public Opinion: Evidence from Hungary. The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine is a watershed moment in European politics. An immediate consequence of the invasion was a massive influx of refugees into Central Europe, a region in which immigration has...

8139 sym

Ethnic NGOs and Media in Russia


Данные единица наблюдения - регион - этническая группа ethnic_group - название этнической группы tit_group - титульная группа для региона (да/нет) media_total - Сумма действующих и прекративших деятельность �...

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1st Week Assignment


Task 1 I will base on my previous research: Political Consequences of the Implementation of Municipal Heads’ Appointments in Russia: 2016 – 2018. RQ: Does the dismantling of direct elections on the local level undermine local political machines and, thereby, capacities to deliver votes? Or, vice versa, does it lead to the unification of p...

3312 sym

The second week assignment


Create a dataframe x <- c(0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4) y <- c(0,3,1,3,3,2,4,2,5,4) head(df <- data.frame(x,y)) ## x y ## 1 0 0 ## 2 1 3 ## 3 1 1 ## 4 2 3 ## 5 2 3 ## 6 2 2 Means, sd, variance, correlation, regression # means mean(df$x) ## [1] 2 mean(df$y) ## [1] 2.7 # sum of squares sum((df$x - mean(df$x))^2) ## [1] 12 sum((df$y - mean(df$...

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Week 3 Assignment


Task 1 Root mean squared error: √RSS / (n-1)) = 1,05 (SE(β_1 ) ) ^: Root MSE / √/ [(n-1)s2 X] = 1,05 /√9*1,15 = 0,32 t value for null hypothesis that β_1=0: t statistics against a null assumption equals β_1 / (SE(β_1 ) ) ^ = 0.92 / 0,32 = 2,875 P>|2,875| = between 0.01 and 0.02 P|≤2.875| = 0.99 confidence interval for β_1: β_1 +...

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Week 4 Assignment


Simulate a random sample of 1000 cases. Construct a variable A with a standard normal distribution. Construct a variable X that equals A plus a standard normal distribution. Construct a variable Y that equals A plus a standard normal distribution. set.seed(5673) n <- 1000 A <- rnorm(n, 110, 31) X <- A + rnorm(n, 124, 42) Y <- A + rnorm(n,...

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Week 5 Assignment


sa <- read_dta('SA.dta') head(sa) summary(sa) sa <- sa %>% mutate(logwage = log(wage)) Density distributions The ‘raw’ variable of wage has a long right ‘tail’ (a positive skew), i.e. it is lognormal distributed. After the log transformation, it get normalized. Model 1: logged wage ~ education plus work experience Interpreta...

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LM, MLM and diagnostics


Пакеты library(ggplot2) library(sjPlot) ## Learn more about sjPlot with 'browseVignettes("sjPlot")'. library(car) ## Loading required package: carData ## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'car': ## method from ## influence.merMod lme4 ## cooks.distance.influence.merMod lme4 ## dfbeta.i...

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Localization analysis 2


Полные данные: 2326 наблюдений (Занятость 2017 - Занятость 2013) / Занятость 2013 * 100 (Зарплата 2017 - Зарплата 2013) / Зарплата 2013 * 100 Нули по локализации приравнены к единицам: 1 - 1777, 2 - 202, 3 - 287 ## 1 2 3 ## 1777...

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