html_test Latest
Test html Summary Row confirmed 33,089 last 24h 4,517 recovered 3,355 death 2182 Row Daily Cumulative Cases by Type Cases by CCAA Map Map Simulated data Simulated Visualitzations Row Histogram, e.g. age Interactive Row...
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Update Report (8/9/2023) Latest
Table of contents Introduction New Country: South Sudan Forecasts Niger Forecasts Ethiopia Forecasts Cameroon Forecasting Mozambique Forecasting Rwanda Forecasting Morocco Forecasting Tunisia Forecasting Kazakhstan Forecasting...
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function_lines Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
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Peter Solymos 65
ISEC 2014 in Montpellier Latest
Discussing problems vs. finding solutions: an operational framework for dealing with imperfect detection in species distribution modelling, International Statistical Ecology Conference 2014, Montpellier, France. Isec july2 h1_solymos from...
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CARE Dental Trauma 2008-2018 Latest
Packages pacman::p_load(tidyverse, janitor, visdat, tableone, emmeans) Dataset df <-...
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Week 1 Homework Latest
Week 1 R Assignment I. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial factorial<-function (x){ y<- 1 for(i in 1:x) { y<-y*((1:x)[i]) print(y) } } factorial(12) II. Creating a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. numvect...
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Peter 64
Factorial of 12 Latest
my_factorial <- function(){ # input here is 12 val = 12 res = 1 # checking whether the number is negative, zero or positive if(val < 0) { print(" Factorial does not exist for such numbers. ") } else if(val == 0) {...
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Chasin’ COVID Latest
Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC): An application to occupational health David MoriñaBarcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) - UAB Simulation Example library(moments) dades <- rnorm(100, mean=1.5, sd=2.5) dadesSummary <-...
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Homework 1 SPS_2021 Latest
## Problem 1 using a for loop sum <- 1 for(i in 1:13){ sum=sum*i } print(sum) ## [1] 6227020800 ## using a while loop sum <- 1 x <-1 while(x<14){ sum =sum*x x=x+1 } print(sum) ## [1] 6227020800 ## Problem 2 A Numeric Vector...
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Bluecology blog 64
Create an inset plot Latest
How to inset a plot on another plot in R The difficulty of plotting one plot over the top of another in R has always frustrated me. I often end up opening some photo editing software (like Gimp, which is free) and doing it manually. However,...
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