
tylerrinker 63

microbenchmarking with R Latest


I love to benchmark.  Maybe I’m a bit weird but I love to bench  everything in R.  Recently I’ve had people raise accuracy challenges to the typical system.time and rbenchmark package approaches to benchmarking.  I saw Hadley Wickham...

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Wesley 63

Spearman’s Rho Latest


Spearman’s Rho Rank Correlation There are generally three types of correlation that a researcher may encounter: Pearson’s r, Kendall’s Tau, and Spearman’s Rho.  They each have their own uses and applications depending on the data and what...

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Arvind Sharma 62

Week 1:Bivariate Regression Latest


Setting Up Working directory, clearing all data and memory # Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 539941 28.9...

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Rasmus Bååth 62

Bayesian Modeling of Anscombe’s Quartet Latest


Anscombe’s quartet is a collection of four datasets that look radically different yet result in the same regression line when using ordinary least square regression. The graph below shows Anscombe’s quartet with imposed regression lines (taken...

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smarterpoland 62

The PISA2009lite package is released Latest


This post introduces a new R package named PISA2009lite. I will show how to install this package, what is inside and how to use it. Introduction PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) is a worldwide study focused on measuring...

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» R 62

Visualize dynamic data from R in 3d Latest


In this video i demonstrate a nice feature of Bio7 to visualize 3d data created in “R” dynamically. The data for the points is generated in “R” and then transferred to the OpenGL view of Bio7. In the first example a random plot is...

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Fellgernon Bit - rstats 62

Introducing Biostatistics to first year LCG students Latest


Around two weeks ago I gave a talk via skype to the first year students from the Undergraduate Program on Genomic Sciences (LCG in Spanish) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM in Spanish). The talk was under the context of the...

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Sebastien Parker 62

Tutorial 1 and Homework 2 (SOC202) Latest


Introduction The European Social Survey (ESS) is a biennial multi-country survey that covers over 30 nations. It provides insights into various topics, including media use, social trust, political interest, subjective well-being, and many more. This...

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john mazon 62

week1 - bridge program 2020 Latest


#R Program to compute the factorial of 12 num = 12 fact = 1 for(i in 1:num) { fact=fact * i } print(paste(“The factorial of”, num, “is”, fact)) #numeric vector sequence of 20 to 50 by 5 vector <- seq(20, 50, by=5) print (vector) #Create a...

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Johnny Rodriguez 61

Data 607 Assignment 2 Latest


Data 607 - R and MySQL This code depends on a public MYSQL database created in the Google Cloud Platform. The project is reproducible as long the the database and connection are running. The code establishes the connection, creates the table and...

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