Michael 64
Compiling 64-bit R 2.10.1 with MKL in Linux Latest
The rationale for compiling R using the Intel Math Kernel LibraryRecently, there has been a surge in the use of Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL; among data analysis packages. MKL is a highly optimized...
9525 sym
Document Latest
Lecture7: Shiny(その2) & 類似度計算 前回の補足: RMecabが使用できない場合 分かち書きは、コマンドラインであらかじめ行う mecab -Odump osaka-u_ja.txt > dump_osaka-u_ja.txt dumpファイルの読み込み...
1402 sym R (9075 sym/63 pcs) 8 img
Nick Horton 64
Example 7.1: Create a Fibonacci sequence Latest
The Fibonacci numbers have many mathematical relationships and have been discovered repeatedly in nature. They are constructed as the sum of the previous two values, initialized with the values 1 and 1.A pdf of this example is available here.SASIn...
849 sym R (418 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Neil Gunther 64
Guerrilla Data Analysis Class – Seats Still Available Latest
Most operating systems are capable of collecting hundreds of system and performance metrics every second. Even if you only record them once an hour, after a week you will have more than 50,000 samples; after a month you will be staring...
1430 sym 2 img
CCA: missing values ... unrobust correlation matrix ... negative eigenvalues Latest
Background. I’d like to do a CCA. X will be imaging data. But, I have lots of missing values (result of unreliable white matter fiber estimation in small tracts). Set up. #load libraries libraries <- c('CCA', 'dplyr', 'matrixcalc') #list...
1015 sym R (3566 sym/15 pcs)
Imamatul Khoiriyah/Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom 64
Mengenal Cara Mengoperasionalkan Operator Aritmatik dalam Pemrograman Latest
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Operator Aritmatik Operator aritmatik merupakan operator untuk melakukan operasi aritmatika. Pada operasi aritmatika, terdapat operand dan operator. Operand berupa angka, variable, expression dan operator yang...
2745 sym R (35 sym/4 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
Max Kuhn 63
Reproducible Research at ENAR Latest
I gave a talk at the Spring ENAR meetings this morning on some of the technical aspects of creating the book. The session was on reproducible research and the slides are here. I was dinged for not using git for version control (we used dropbox for...
975 sym
Shige 63
CacheSweave Latest
I finally figured out how to use the R package “cachesweave”. The trick is that the code chunks must follow some order, like the...
667 sym 2 img
tylerrinker 63
microbenchmarking with R Latest
I love to benchmark. Maybe I’m a bit weird but I love to bench everything in R. Recently I’ve had people raise accuracy challenges to the typical system.time and rbenchmark package approaches to benchmarking. I saw Hadley Wickham...
1097 sym R (702 sym/2 pcs) 20 img
Wesley 63
Spearman’s Rho Latest
Spearman’s Rho Rank Correlation There are generally three types of correlation that a researcher may encounter: Pearson’s r, Kendall’s Tau, and Spearman’s Rho. They each have their own uses and applications depending on the data and what...
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