Anthony Damico 66
simple shortcuts for the windows r console Latest
Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: twotorials by anthony damico. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here...
411 sym
Corey Chivers 66
General Bayesian estimation using MHadaptive Latest
If you can write the likelihood function for your model, MHadaptive will take care of the rest (ie. all that MCMC business). I wrote this R package to simplify the estimation of posterior distributions of arbitrary models. Here’s how it works:...
1668 sym R (951 sym/6 pcs) 22 img
R on easystats 66
Formatted correlation output with effect sizes Latest
One of the most time-consuming part of data analysis in science is the copy-pasting of specific values of some R output to a manuscript or a report. This task is frustrating, prone to errors, and increases the variability of statistical reporting....
1794 sym R (478 sym/3 pcs)
William Jasmine 66
Data 607 - Assignment 2 - SQL and R Latest
Imports The chunk below includes all the pertinent R packages for running this .Rmd file. library("RMySQL") ## Loading required package: DBI library("dplyr") ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from...
8499 sym R (12157 sym/44 pcs) 3 tbl
Sebastian Robledo 66
CarlosT Latest
Creating the environment library(tidyverse) library(tidygraph) library(igraph) library(bibliometrix) library(tosr) library(here) library(lubridate) # library(sjrdata) library(openxlsx) library(zoo) library(RSQLite) library(journalabbr)...
979 sym R (27627 sym/39 pcs) 11 img
Mr. Hern 66
Lab 3.2 Key Latest
In this lab, we use the SoccerPlayers dataset to better understand how the distribution of a population relates to how we describe its center and spread; the key point is that we can use statistics like mean and standard deviation only with normal...
3297 sym 4 img
Dimuthu Ratnadiwakara 65
Nuts and bolts Latest
What is R? R is a dialect of the S language. S language was developed by John Chambers as an internal statistical environment. Created in 1991 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentlemen. Announced to the public in 1993. It is free! Very active and...
4559 sym R (2057 sym/35 pcs)
David Robinson 65
Are high-reputation users quitting Stack Overflow? Latest
I spend a good amount of time on the programming Q+A site StackOverflow (and a smaller amount of time on its statistics sister site, Cross Validated). Recently this question on Meta Stack Overflow (the website’s discussion forum) caught my...
7039 sym R (2770 sym/9 pcs) 14 img
NguyenLSCMFTU2 65
ecommerce Latest
Introduction This project is intended to compare the number of searching times based on keywords these are Tiki, Sendo, Shopee,Lazada, then understand more and more e-commerce users activites within a week (7 day) Set up the packages and...
1132 sym R (6411 sym/26 pcs) 6 img 1 tbl
Juan Sosa PhD 65
01 - Análisis Estadístico de Redes - Introducción Latest
1 Redes sociales Una red es una colección de objetos interconectados. Un grafo es una colección de objetos (vértices o nodos) unidos por enlaces (aristas o arcos), que permiten representar relaciones entre los elementos del conjunto. Una...
3980 sym 9 img