Publications by Peter Solymos
What Is New in ShinyProxy 3.1.0
ShinyProxy is one the most popular open-source Shiny hosting options. You can use it to host multiple applications, apps other than Shiny, and it comes with built-in enterprise features, like authentication and authorization.Open Analytics, the Belgian company behindShinyProxy, just announced the 3.1.0 release. Head over to the ShinyProxy release n...
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Containerizing Shiny for Python and Shinylive Applications
Shiny is a framework that makes it easy to build interactive web applications. Shiny was introduced 10 years ago as an R package. In his 10th anniversary keynote speech, Joe Cheng announced Shiny for Python at the 2022 RStudio Conference. Python programmers can now try out Shiny to create interactive data-driven web applications. Shiny comes as a...
6101 sym Python (2300 sym/10 pcs) 20 img
How to Set Up Quarto with Docker, Part 2: Dynamic Content
Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. It is a cross-platform tool to create dynamic content with Python, R, Julia, and Observable.In the previous post about Quarto, we reviewed static hosting options with Docker containers, including single files and projects, such as books and websites.How to Set Up...
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Scaling Shiny Apps for Python and R: Sticky Sessions on Heroku
Shiny for R and Python can be deployed in conventional ways, using RStudio Connect, Shiny Server Open Source, and These hosting solutions are designed with scaling options included and are the officially recommend hosting options for Shiny apps.When it comes to alternative options, the docs tell you to have support for WebSockets an...
9897 sym R (8146 sym/17 pcs) 46 img
Manage Dependencies with the deps R Package for Docker Containers
When building Docker images for your R-based applications, the biggest hurdle is knowing exactly which packages and system libraries your package depends on. Luckily, the tools have evolved quite a bit over the past few years. In this post, I show you where the deps package fits in and how this can be a great choice for dependency management for ...
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UseR!2022: Best Practices for Shiny Apps with Docker and More
The useR!2022 event was hosted by the Department of Biostatistics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The organizers and volunteers did an outstanding job to run the event smoothly and I am sure all the presenters and participants felt this dedication and professionalism the same way as I did.Here are the most memorable presentations related...
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Containerizing Interactive R Markdown Documents
The rmarkdown package is behind the versatility of R Markdown with dozens of standard and community-provided output formats, ranging from HTML, Word, and PDF, to slides, books, and interactive documents. This abundance of awesomeness is a direct continuation of a long line of predecessors: Sweave/LaTeX, knitr, and pandoc. Its success is the found...
7593 sym R (4126 sym/11 pcs) 12 img
How to Set Up Quarto with Docker, Part 1: Static Content
Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. It is a cross-platform tool to create dynamic content with Python, R, Julia, and Observable.Quarto.orgQuarto documents follow literate programming principles where the code “chunks” are weaved together with text chunks. From an R programming perspective, Quar...
3000 sym R (1861 sym/6 pcs) 12 img
ISEC 2014 in Montpellier
Discussing problems vs. finding solutions: an operational framework for dealing with imperfect detection in species distribution modelling, International Statistical Ecology Conference 2014, Montpellier, France. Isec july2 h1_solymos from Peter Solymos Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their b...
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Budapest Use R!
I presented a guest lecture ‘Data cloning: bridging the Bayesian and frequentist statistical paradigms’, at the Budapest R User Group meetup, Budapest, Hungary. Check out the slides (in Hungarian): BURN-Solymos-Adat-klonozas-2014-07-16 from Peter Solymos Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on t...
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