Carlos Alberto Soto Hernandez 24
primer caso- Análisis de promedios de alumnos Latest
Objetivo Elaborar un análisis descriptivo de la variable promedios de alumnos una muestra de la población a partir de la lectura de un archivo promedios.csv Descripción Importar datos de promedio en la dirección:...
1308 sym R (3341 sym/18 pcs)
Rosa de Jesus Olguin Diaz 24
Prueba Latest
Objetivo El objetivo del documento Descripción Probando una descripción Fundamento teórico Estos serán conceptos Desarrollo Cargar librerías library(readr) Cargar datos de localidades datos.csv =...
207 sym R (1034 sym/4 pcs)
Data605_EAzrilyan_Assignment14 Latest
Elina Azrilyan November 27th, 2019 ASSIGNMENT 14 - TAYLOR SERIES This week, we’ll work out some Taylor Series expansions of popular functions. • f(x) = 1 / (1−x) • f(x) = e^x • f(x) = ln(1+x) For each function, only consider its valid...
1341 sym R (1307 sym/45 pcs) 1 img
Chris 24
Results of the St. Pat’s 10 Miler and 5K Latest
Recently I ran the St. Pat’s 10 Miler in Atlantic City, Nj. It was my first official running event ever and I enjoyed it lot. Shortly after the race the official results have been posted on the Internet. The data did not only include the number...
873 sym 4 img
gcchen 24
Sampling Distribution Latest
利用R軟體模擬投擲一顆公正骰子2次,並計算平均點數,共模擬10000次,繪製模擬之抽樣分配圖如下: par(mfrow = c(1,2)) x <- c() for (i in 1:10000) {x <- rbind(x,(sample(1:6,1)+sample(1:6,1))/2)} hist(x,...
1056 sym R (1669 sym/10 pcs) 4 img
Chris West 24
Best practice 1 Latest
Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes and...
1751 sym
Jaehyun Ahn 24
[Revised[ Quantitative Analysis Project Latest
This project deals with applying all the concepts learned in FBE 506 as much as possible. First, we will import the necessary libraries to start our quantitative analysis. #Import Libraries library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages...
12781 sym R (49320 sym/177 pcs) 18 img
Gabriel de Selding 24
DataChats: An Interview with Hank Roark Latest
Hola! We just released episode 14 of our DataChats video series, you’ll like this one. In this episode, we interview Hank Roark. Hank is a Senior Data Scientist at Boeing and a long time user of the R language. Prior to his current role, he led...
1183 sym
Francisco Javier Figueroa Flores 24
Leer datos personas URL y publicar Latest
Importar datos de personas leer datos personas utilizar la función read.csv() para leer datos de personas de una dirección URL personas <- read.csv("", encoding = "UTF-8")...
159 sym R (1579 sym/3 pcs)
Trifecta3 Latest
Leemos los datos y definimos variables nuevas: df=read_sav("CopiaAnalisisDesember2019.sav") df=df %>% mutate(TumorSolido=as.factor(TumorType==1),Diameter=ifelse(CTdiameter>=6,6,CTdiameter)) %>% mutate( Trifecta1= (ClampingTime<=20)...
1002 sym R (9982 sym/22 pcs) 3 img 2 tbl