
Taylor Roy 24

Best Practices 1 Latest


Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes and...

1750 sym

quintuitive 24

Databases – an Ideal Application for R6? Latest


Over the years I have tried to simplify and streamline my access to financial historic data. All different solutions I tried (see here, for example) so far have been unsatisfactory, at least to some degree. That however changed after I started...

1477 sym R (93 sym/1 pcs)

R | Gianluca Baio 24

Nomen omen Latest


After resisting this for way too long, I’ve finally decided it was time to release more widely a couple of the R packages I’ve been working on $-$ I’ve put them on GitHub, hence the mug… In both cases, while I think the packages do work...

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Tatyana Long 24

Document Latest


Q1 What is R? R is a computer programming language. Q2 What is RStudio? RStudio is on interface to R. Q3 What is R packages? R packages are a group of functions and data sets....

187 sym

Santiago Torres 24

Data607 Assignment 1 Latest


Overview In his article Marriage Isn’t Dead Yet, Ben Casselman explores the current trends in marriage and divorce rates as compared to previous decades along a variety of different demographic categories (sex, age, race, education level,...

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Sergio Gael Leyva Retana 24

Caso 1. Población y muestra Latest


1 Objetivo Simular datos de una población y de una muestra describiendo la media poblacional y la media muestral para su adecuada interpretación. 2 Descripción Generar una población de 1000 números con valores entre 250 y 600 Determinar una...

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saulo 24

U1A1 Latest


#Asignacion 1 5+7 ## [1] 12 1-3 ## [1] -2 4*(1/2) ## [1] 2 3/2 ## [1] 1.5 5^2 ## [1] 25 3^(-1/3) ## [1] 0.6933613 sqrt(9) ## [1] 3 2*pi ## [1] 6.283185 exp(1) ## [1] 2.718282 log(exp(2)) ## [1] 2 log10(100000) ## [1] 5 log2(32) ## [1] 5 log(27,...

84 sym R (1078 sym/78 pcs)

Homework 1_ Q1 Factorial Loop Latest


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) factorial<-1 integerfactorial_number<-12 for(i in 1:integerfactorial_number) factorial=factorial*i integerfactorial_number ## [1] 12 factorial ## [1] 479001600 R Markdown This is an R Markdown document....

662 sym R (198 sym/4 pcs)

Kevin Daniel Coronado 24

caso 2 datos agrupados Latest


1 Objetivo Agrupar datos y describir datos visualmente de variables de edades y generos usando función fdt y fdt_cat de la librería fdth. 2 Descripción Se cargan librerías adecuadas de caso Se construyen y simulan datos con dos variables de...

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Methods in Social Science Latest


Rappel Variable dépendante et Variable indépendante celle-ci aussi appelée facteru ou parametre. Variables Quantitative continues Quantitative discrètes Qualitatives ordinales Qualitatives nominales Les tests statistique En résumé, les...

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