suresh kumar Gorakala 25
Document Classification using R Latest
September 23, 2013Recently I have developed interest in analyzing data to find trends, to predict the future events etc. & started working on few POCS on Data Analytics such as Predictive analysis, text mining. I’m putting my next blog on Data...
4371 sym 18 img
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Latest
Hypothesis Testing DEFINITION: Hypothesis Testing A hypothesis test is a statistical test that is used to determine whether there is enough evidence in a sample of data to infer that a certain condition is true for the entire population. It...
1866 sym
Ruei-Ning 25
Homework_1 Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
421 sym R (768 sym/9 pcs) 3 img
Siminber Yariyeva 25
Document Latest
Sıradan En Küçük Kareler Tahminlerini Elde Etme Sıradan En Küçük Kareler, SEKK (Ordinary Least Squares, OLS), β0 ve β1’i tahmin etme. library(wooldridge) data("ceosal1") library(rmarkdown) paged_table(ceosal1) Ortalama maaş...
256 sym R (819 sym/24 pcs)
Random R Ramblings 25
Piping Within Pipes Latest
The magrittr pipe (%>%) has revolutionised the way many people now write R code. I’ve been using R for over 7 years and the pipe has become a staple of my programming conventions. However it was recently brought to my attention that you can...
1284 sym R (435 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Adam Elder 25
Summary of No-HIV run Latest
## For other simulations, just use a different file here. ## However, do keep the name sim. suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) ## Set path to model run you want to get diagnostics for: # sim <-...
8903 sym R (26250 sym/26 pcs) 9 img
part 1 Latest
Variation with Sample Size for fixed Bandwidth We fix the distribution as Beta(2,5). And kernel as Gaussian. Fix Bandwidth = 1/10. The range of Sample Size is stated followed by the plots. 10 to 20 110 to 120 210 to 220 310 to 320 410 to 420...
720 sym 26 img
TestRPub Latest
Exercise 1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial fact =1 for (i in 1:12) fact = fact*i fact ## [1] 479001600 Exercise 2 Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. numVect <- seq(20, 50, 5)...
337 sym R (672 sym/6 pcs)
Document Latest
Team member: Ted Kim GitHub: rpub: Question 1 Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors...
1864 sym
Servando 25
U1A1 Latest
3+2 ## [1] 5 3-2 ## [1] 1 4-4 ## [1] 0 3*2 ## [1] 6 4*5 ## [1] 20 10/2 ## [1] 5 3^2 ## [1] 9 3^3 ## [1] 27 3^7 ## [1] 2187 2^(-3) ## [1] 0.125 100^(1/2) ## [1] 10 sqrt(100) ## [1] 10 pi ## [1] 3.141593 exp(1) ## [1] 2.718282 log(exp(1)) ## [1] 1...
46 sym R (304 sym/40 pcs)