Publications by Ruei-Ning Su



class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 探索COIVD-19資料 ## R 語言於流行病學資料之視覺化運用 ### 蘇睿寧 ### 2021-12-26 --- ## The Diagram of nCov2019 architecture <img src="nCov2019.png" width="68%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Overviews ###- Data collection 數據收集 ###- Data quer...

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2021/12/27 In the evening Dinner Eat spaghetti Drink wine A scatterplot. Going to sleep Get in bed Count sheep Exploring COVID-19 data nCov2019 ( ) 以地理地圖增進COVID-19流行病學數據的可視化 knitr::include_graphics("nCov2019.png") {nCov2019} 安裝package #remotes::install_github("yul...

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library(ggplot2) library(lattice) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) In-class 1 Explain what does this statement do: lapply(lapply(search(), ls), length) search() [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:forcats" "package:stringr" [4] "package:dplyr" "package:purrr" "package:readr" [7] "package:tidyr" "package:tibble" "pack...

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library(ggplot2) library(lattice) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) Exercises1: The distribution of personal disposable income in Taiwan in 2015 has a story to tell. Revise the following plot to enhance that message. dta<-read.csv("D://income_tw.csv", head=T) #看資料 summary(dta) Income Count Length:41 ...

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Exercise 1 Fifty male and fifty female students fill out the same questionnaire in weekly intervals starting five weeks before an important examination to measure state anxiety. The research interests are: 1. whether there are gender difference in state anxiety 2. individual differences in state anxiety Explore the answers to both questions with ...

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inclass 1 Find out what each code chunk (indicated by ‘##’) in the R script does and provide comments. #women是內建資料檔,只有2個variables(height和weight) head(women) height weight 1 58 115 2 59 117 3 60 120 4 61 123 5 62 126 6 63 129 #basic R,畫women的plot #The type = "n" is...

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basic graphics_20211108


inclass 1 The R script illustrates how to implement ‘small multiples’ in base graphics given the 4 different diets of the ChickWeight{datasets} example. #載入資料 dta <- ChickWeight #578個觀察值,4個variables str(dta) Classes 'nfnGroupedData', 'nfGroupedData', 'groupedData' and 'data.frame': 578 obs. of 4 variables: $ weight:...

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Exercise_1 Select at random one school per county in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} and draw a scatter diagram of average math score mathscr against average reading score readscr for the sampled data set. Make sure your results are reproducible (e.g., the same random sample will be drawn each time). library(Ecfun) library(Ecdat) data(Caschool, pa...

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In-class 20211101_2-5


In-class exercises_2 Merge the two data sets: state.x77{datasets} and USArrests{datasets} and compute all pair-wise correlations for numerical variables. Is there anything interesting to report? library(datasets) data(USArrests, package="datasets") data(state, package="datasets") USArrests|> head() |> knitr::kable() Murder Assault UrbanPop Ra...

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Inclass_1 The AAUP2 data set is a comma-delimited fixed column format text file with ’*’ for missing value. Import the file into R and indicate missing values by ‘NA’. Hint: ?read.csv fL <- "D:/User/Desktop/datamanagement/20211025/aaup2.txt" dta_1 <- read.table(fL, header=T, sep='\t') readr::fwf_empty("/User/Desktop/datamanagement/20211...

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