Publications by Ruei-Ning Su
In-class exercise_2 tissmath
TIMSS GitHub document This is an R Markdown format used for publishing markdown documents to GitHub. When you click the Knit button all R code chunks are run and a markdown file (.md) suitable for publishing to GitHub is generated. Including Code You can include R code in the document as follows: fL <- "TIMSSmath.txt" dta <- read.table(fL, header...
489 sym R (1616 sym/3 pcs) 1 img
Homework_1_weather in tnn
天氣預報 【陰天有短暫雨,氣溫偏低,沿海空曠地區可能有強陣風。】 【更新時間:03/05 05:18】 昨天(4日)臺南市中西區最低溫發生在半夜,低溫17.3度,中午高溫26.9度。 今天(5日)大陸冷氣團影響及華南雲雨區東移,臺南地區為陰天且有短暫雨, 清晨低溫約 18度,...
255 sym 1 img 1 tbl
The notation, women{datasets}, indicates that a data object by the name women is in the datasets package. This package is preloaded when R is invoked. Explain the difference between c(women) and c(as.matrix(women)) using the women{datasets}. Women{dataset} women #內建於R裡面"dataset" package的資料 ## height weight ## 1 58 11...
928 sym R (1907 sym/28 pcs)
20211013_inclass3_MASS block mom
Use help to examine the coding scheme for the mother’s race variable in the birthwt{MASS} dataset. The MASS comes with the base R installation but is not automatically loaded when R is invoked. How many black mothers are there in this data frame? What does the following R command do? c(“White”, “Black”, “Other”)[birthwt$race] ## bir...
640 sym R (3018 sym/18 pcs)
help What happens when the following command is entered? help(ls(“package:MASS”)[92]) Use the observation to find out how many items there are in the package MASS. help(ls) help(ls) #透過help指令查閱ls的說明 ## starting httpd help server ... done ls and objects return a vector of character strings giving the names of the objects i...
765 sym R (4016 sym/7 pcs)
Exercise_1 Chatterjee and Hadi (Regression by Examples, 2006) provided a link to the right to work data set on their web page. Display the relationship between Income and Taxes. 匯入資料 fL <- "" dta_1 <- read.csv(fL, sep='\t') dplyr::glimpse(dta_1) ## Rows: 38 ## Columns: 8 ## $ ...
526 sym R (2364 sym/10 pcs) 1 img
Inclass Exercise1_20211101
Data pacman::p_load(WWGbook) data(classroom, package="WWGbook") ?classroom #help classroom str(classroom) #data structure of classroom 'data.frame': 1190 obs. of 12 variables: $ sex : int 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ... $ minority: int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ mathkind: int 448 460 511 449 425 450 452 443 422 480 ... $ mathgain: in...
421 sym R (13947 sym/78 pcs) 2 img
安裝軟體 安裝package{psych} install.packages(“psych”) #install.package只需要進行一次 #每次打開R,都需要再library(psych)一次 library(psych) {psych}語法包 Data簡介 TFE:進食困擾問卷。IPA:活動量問卷。Attitude:態度(分運動或對吃的態度)�...
2279 sym R (34294 sym/47 pcs) 8 img
inclass 3 The data set concerns student evaluation of instructor’s beauty and teaching quality for several courses at the University of Texas. The teaching evaluations were done at the end of the semester, and the beauty judgments were made later, by six students who had not attended the classes and were not aware of the course evaluations. Use...
549 sym R (1892 sym/10 pcs) 2 img