

Lending Club Visualization (Updating) Latest


0.1 About the dataset These files contain complete loan data for all loans issued through the 2007-2015, including the current loan status (Current, Late, Fully Paid, etc.) and latest payment information. The file containing loan data through the...

2858 sym R (33138 sym/85 pcs) 35 img 16 tbl

Introduction to Credit Risk Management- part-1 Latest


Credit Risk Management Introduction Why Credit Risk Management is important? To answer this question, we will construct a hypothetical example: Suppose a company is asking a bank for 5 billion Euros. Somewhere in the bank’s credit department a...

10050 sym 2 img 2 tbl

Bria Long 24

Document Latest


Preprocessing Load data Import recognition data from each run of recoggames: here, animalgame & vehiclegame # animal_game <- read.csv("recognition_data/animalgame.csv") %>% as.tibble() %>% mutate(exp = 'animalgame') %>% select(-X) ##...

3261 sym R (23734 sym/77 pcs) 13 img 3 tbl

Diego Alejandro Treviño Romero 24

Caso 2. Datos Agrupados Latest


1 Objetivo Agrupar datos y describir datos visualmente de variables de edades y generos usando función fdt y fdt_cat de la librería fdth. 2 Descripción Se cargan librerías adecuadas de caso Se construyen y simulan datos con dos variables de...

6104 sym R (3404 sym/20 pcs) 5 img

Hw_test Bayarmaa Munkhjargal Latest



3 sym

daniel alejandro soto lucero 24

practica1 Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

591 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

Daniel Bañuelos Olivas 24

Probando Latest


Objetivo El objetivo del cocumento Descripción Probando una descripción Fundamento teórico Estos serán conceptos Desarrollo library(readr) Cargar datos de localidades datos.csv =...

188 sym R (1034 sym/4 pcs)

R week 1 homework Latest


This is week 1 homework Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial print(paste("Start at ", format(Sys.time()))) ## [1] "Start at 2019-12-25 12:23:31" n = 12 result = 1 for(i in 1:n) { result = result * i } print(paste("12-factorial is: ",...

71 sym R (303 sym/6 pcs)

Stefano Biguzzi 24

Week 1 Assignment – Loading Data into a Data Frame Latest


Introduction to Article and Data For this assignment I chose the article “Voter Registrations Are Way, Way Down During The Pandemic”. In our current political climate it is more important than ever to get people registered to vote. The...

2250 sym R (2004 sym/12 pcs) 1 img

Data Science Riot! 24

Using PL/R and PL/Python in Postgres Latest


I’ve recently been exploring options to calculate median and quartiles in my Postgres database. If you’re familiar with quartiles you know how handy they can be. There’s a few different options in the Postgres universe to accomplish this, so...

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