Publications by Gabriel de Selding

DataChats: An Interview with Hank Roark


Hola! We just released episode 14 of our DataChats video series, you’ll like this one. In this episode, we interview Hank Roark. Hank is a Senior Data Scientist at Boeing and a long time user of the R language. Prior to his current role, he led the Customer Data Science team at, a leading provider of machine learning and predictive anal...

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March Monthly Round Up


March has been a busy month here at DataCamp! We’ve released 7 courses, 4 DataChats, and 8 articles. Luckily, this round-up post will cover the highlights, in case you missed them. Data Manipulation: Tidy Your Data! We were very excited to release the third course in our Pandas course series! Merging DataFrames with pandas follows on the Panda...

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New R course: Beginning Bayes in R


There are two schools of thought in the world of statistics, the frequentist perspective and the Bayesian perspective. At the core of the Bayesian perspective is the idea of representing your beliefs about something using the language of probability, collecting some data, then updating your beliefs based on the evidence contained in the data. Thi...

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New course: Data Visualization in R with lattice


Hello, R users! Today we’re launching Data Visualization in R with lattice by Deepayan Sarkar, the creator of the lattice package. Visualization is an essential component of interactive data analysis in R. Traditional (base) graphics is powerful, but limited in its ability to deal with multivariate data. Trellis graphics is the natural succes...

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New Course: Introduction to Spark in R using sparklyr


Hello R users! We have a big announcement this week as well, DataCamp just released our first Spark in R course: Introduction to Spark in R using sparklyr! This course is taught by Richie Cotton. R is mostly optimized to help you write data analysis code quickly and readably. Apache Spark is designed to analyze huge datasets quickly. The sparkly...

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New R Course: Writing Efficient R Code


Hello R users, we’ve got a brand new course today: Writing Efficient R Code by Colin Gillespie. The beauty of R is that it is built for performing data analysis. The downside is that sometimes R can be slow, thereby obstructing our analysis. For this reason, it is essential to become familiar with the main techniques for speeding up your analys...

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New Course – Supervised Learning in R: Regression


Hello R users, new course hot off the press today by Nina Zumel – Supervised Learning in R: Regression! From a machine learning perspective, regression is the task of predicting numerical outcomes from various inputs. In this course, you’ll learn about different regression models, how to train these models in R, how to evaluate the models yo...

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New R Course: Spatial Statistics in R


Hey R users! Here’s another course launched this week: Spatial Statistics in R by Barry Rowlingson. Everything happens somewhere, and increasingly the place where all these things happen is being recorded in a database. There is some truth behind the oft-repeated statement that 80% of data have a spatial component. So what can we do with this s...

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New R Course: Sentiment Analysis in R – The Tidy Way


Hello, R users! This week we’re continuing to bridge the gap between computers and human language with the launch Sentiment Analysis in R: The Tidy Way by Julia Silge! Text datasets are diverse and ubiquitous, and sentiment analysis provides an approach to understand the attitudes and opinions expressed in these texts. In this course, you will ...

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New Statistics Course: Multiple and Logistic Regression!


Hi there! We just launched a new course: Multiple and Logistic Regression by Ben Baumer! In this course, you’ll take your skills with simple linear regression to the next level. By learning multiple and logistic regression techniques, you will gain the skills to model and predict both numeric and categorical outcomes using multiple input variab...

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