

Class Activity Latest


The Colllege Scorecard The College scorecard is a dataset collected and provided by the US Department of education. Each row of this data is a post-secondary_educational institution and each column describes something about the institution....

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Max. L 6

Reproducible research project 2 Latest


Symposis This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database. This database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States between 1950 and 2011,...

1905 sym R (9743 sym/24 pcs) 2 img

Mayalakshmy Sreedharan(Student Number/s3866284) 6

Document Latest


Click the Original, Code and Reconstruction tabs to read about the issues and how they were fixed. Original Source: The State of The North 2018 by IPPR North . Objective I have taken this chart from a report titled ‘the State of The North...

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The impact of severe weather on population health and economic consequences Latest


The impact of severe weather on population health and economic consequences Synopsis This project explores the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s storm database. The goal of the analysis is to address the following...

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Maricela Carballo 6

Prueba Latest


2 Guarde un nuevo dataframe filtrando solamente por categoría casas(utilice dplyr para fitrar). Para las variables precio y m2_de_construccion realice lo siguiente: 3- Obtenga la desviación estándar de ambas variables.Interprete....

698 sym R (213 sym/6 pcs)

Rachel McFadden 6

BAIS 496 Assignment 3 RM Latest


Cincinnati Political Contributions Data Introduction: This dataset includes Federal Election Commission data collected on Cincinnati political donors. The data set includes contributors’ demographic information, the details of the donation, and...

2114 sym R (2633 sym/8 pcs)

Monowar Hossain 6

AST 232 Anova Table Latest


Code for anova table obs<-c(24,28,37,30,31,28,37,44,31,35,36,39,42,47,52,38,44,50) m<-matrix(data = obs,ncol = 6,byrow = T) m ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] ## [1,] 24 28 37 30 31 28 ## [2,] 37 44 31 35 36 39 ##...

91 sym

Justin Meade HW1 Latest


Justin Meade HW1 Justin Meade 1/27/2022 R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see...

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Mohamed Issa et Mehdi Ghrabli 6

Projet STA202 Latest


Objectifs L’objectif de ce TP est d’appliquer les méthodes vues dans le cours STA202 sur un jeu de données. Le jeu de données choisi dans notre TP est le cours boursier de l’action de l’entreprise “apple” téléchargé à partir du...

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your name here 6

promotion Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Introduction It is tough to make good...

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