Publications by MBM
Class Activity
The Colllege Scorecard The College scorecard is a dataset collected and provided by the US Department of education. Each row of this data is a post-secondary_educational institution and each column describes something about the institution. Summary Statistics Here is a colleciton of summary statistics I find interesting about this data. ## #...
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Assignment 4
Make sure to have the following packages installed before completing the tutorial: “spotifyr” “tidyverse” “kableExtra” Introduction This tutorial will help anyone who is interested in finding out who their top artists on Spotify are. Maybe you are curious as to what genres you mostly listen to or you want to find out which artist...
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In Class Activity
I will complete some simple sentiment anylaysis on Madtree Brewery and Rhinegeist. I will be using the “Brews” data shared in class. You can find that data here: Before we can really start, we need to take out fluff words from reviews that carry no sentiment and do not help with analysis. Basically, t...
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Assignment 5
What do people have to say about Spotify and YouTube Music? These days, there is a streaming service for just about anything and music is no exception. While this article:,%2C%20satellite%20radio%2C%20and%20more. shows that radio is...
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Final Assignment
It’s All About Points With Lebron James being on pace to break the NBA’s long held all time scoring record by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, I thought it would be fitting to take a look at the top ten scoring players of all time and see if we can find out what factors contributed to their impressive feats. By using this data set, which was scraped...
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Final Project
Your Phone Cannot Do It All It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that our lives, and our livelihoods, are inextricably linked to our phones. Everything from job hunting, forming and maintaining personal or professional relationships, hobbies, education, and much, much more all happen, to varying extents, on our phones. Whether that’s a g...
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