
Ultima Clase - Estadistica Para Los Negocios Latest


#Variable Aleatoria x<-c(0,1,2) ncol(combn(5,2)) [1] 10 PMF1(1) [1] 0.5357143 pdf [1] 0.3571429 0.5357143 0.1071429 sum(pdf) [1] 1 cdf [1] 0.3571429 0.8928571 1.0000000 valor_esperado(datos) [1] 0.75 varianza<-function(df){...

2812 sym R (1935 sym/27 pcs) 3 img

うし 6

牛のすみか Latest


1 ブラザーズファーム高橋場所 高橋牧場は鹿追町にあります。鹿追町は北海道にあります。 スクロール出来るよ! 2 牛舎の場所 高橋牧場牛舎の位置 3 餌メニュー 3.1 メニュー...

163 sym 3 img 1 tbl

YL.Li 6

practice experiment Latest


Students must abide by UVic academic regulations and observe standards of scholarly integrity (i.e. no plagiarism or cheating). Therefore, this assignment must be taken individually and not with a friend, classmate, or group. You are also...

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Mathias Barat 6

Weather Events Research USA Latest


1 - Synopsis The present study is adressing several questions linked to the impacts dealt by weather events in the contemporary USA. We will focus mainly on the following points: Harmfulness of the events toward the population health Economic...

2161 sym R (11136 sym/29 pcs) 3 img

Exploração do clima em João Pessoa, Campina Grande e Patos - PB Latest


As questões respondidas foram a 1. e 2. Iniciando a análise library(tidyverse) library(here) theme_set(theme_bw()) # SEMPRE read_csv NUNCA read.csv clima_tudo = read_csv( here("data/tempo-jp-cg-pt.csv"), col_types = cols(...

2847 sym R (2933 sym/9 pcs) 6 img

GDP and Economic Growth Latest


February 15, 2021 GDP Introduction GDP and GDP per capita are measures used to measure the size of an economy and the economic well being of people within that economy. While not perfect measures, they are widely regarded as the best measures for...

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Matteo Renzi 6

Start plotting data! Latest


In the exercises below we practice the basics of visualization in R. Firstly, we use the command: plot . Then we will see how to add information to our plot through command: lines . We will use the mtcars dataset, provided by R Cran (we can...

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Matthieu Rolland 6

Longitudinal heat plots Latest


During our research on the effect of prednisone consumption during pregency on health outcomes of the baby (Palmsten K, Rolland M, Hebert MF, et al., Patterns of prednisone use during pregnancy in women with rheumatoid arthritis: Daily and...

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Matthew Mahon 6

Document Latest


College Scorecard Data Matthew Mahon 2023-02-15 What is this data? In this data set, we are looking at data from over 7,000 universities, colleges, and institutions from 2019. The data shows the perspective schools location, type of school,...

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Maulana Ahsan Fadillah (G1401201062) 6

IPM Papua 2010-2021 Latest


Data #import data dataregresi <- read_xlsx("C:\\Users\\User\\Downloads\\Tugas Individu MPDW (1).xlsx", sheet = "Sheet3") dataregresi ## # A tibble: 12 x 2 ## x y ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2010 54.4 ## 2 2011 55.0 ## 3 2012...

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