Publications by Matteo Renzi
Start plotting data!
In the exercises below we practice the basics of visualization in R. Firstly, we use the command: plot . Then we will see how to add information to our plot through command: lines . We will use the mtcars dataset, provided by R Cran (we can upload dataset by type mtcars and then attach our dataset by attach(mtcars)). A description of the dat...
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Customize a scatterplot exercises
In the following exercises we practice how to customize a scatterplot. We will use axis , to add an axis; mtext to add a text; and legend to add a legend. Moreover we practice how to add details in every stage. We will use the mtcars dataset, provided by R Cran (we can upload dataset by type mtcars and then attach our dataset by attach(mt...
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Graphics parameters exercises
In the exercises below we practice how to personalize graphics parameters, how to produce different plots at the same time and how to save a plot in a file. We will use commands such as par and jpeg. We will use the mtcars dataset, provided by R Cran (we can upload the dataset by typing mtcars and then attach our dataset by attach(mtcars)). A ...
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3D plotting exercises
In this set of exercises we will introduce the concept of 3D plotting. Specifically, we will use these commands:image(), contour() and persp(). For these exercises, you need to have a basic understanding of R objects and functions, in particular some knowledge about matrix . This set is the fourth set of exercises is a series on data visualizati...
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Lattice exercises – part 1
In the exercises below we will use the lattice package. First, we have to install this package with install.packages("lattice") and then we will call it library(lattice) . The Lattice package permits us to create univariate, bivariate and trivariate plots. For this set of exercises we will see univariate and bivariate plots. We will use a data...
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Lattice exercises – part 2
In this set of exercises we will use lattice package. Firstly, we have to install this package with command install.packages("lattice") and then we will call it library(lattice) . Lattice package permits us to create univariate, bivariate and trivariate plots. For this set of exercises we will see trivariate plots. We will use a dataset exampl...
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