
Melissa Sacevich 6

Reproducible Research - Course Project 2 Latest


NOAA Storm Database Analysis - Weather Events in the US Between 1950 and 2011 Synopsis Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in...

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College Scorecard Data Latest


The College Scorecard The college scorecard is a data set collected and provided by the US Department of education. Each row of this data set is a post-secondary educational institution and each column describes something about the...

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Mengjie Pan 6

Assignment 1 Chapter 3&7 Latest


When i try to knit it, it always says that can’t find the package, but i can operate it well in R. So i think it’s better for me to submit the rmd file. Sorry for the inconvenience. Although this week’s assignment really drives me crazy, I...

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Megumi Takada ( 6

Replication of Experiment 4 in "What Predicts Children’s Fixed and Growth Intelligence Mindsets? Not Their Parents’ View of Intelligence but Their Parents’ View of Failure" by Haimovitz and Dweck (2016, Psychological Science) Latest


Introduction Overview of Original Study Through a series of four experiments, Haimovitz and Dweck (2016) found that parents’ views of failure predicted their children’s views of intelligence; that is, parents who viewed failure as...

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Metin Bulus 6

A Practical Guide to Statistical Power and Sample Size Calculations in R Latest


Install and load pwrss R package: install.packages("pwrss") library(pwrss) Alternatively, use the web app below: If you find the package and related material useful please cite as: Bulus, M. (2023). pwrss: Statistical Power and Sample Size...

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Metzly Danae Ortega Mendez 6

Publish Diseño Factorial Completo Latest


Desarrollo del Ejercicio a) Estime los efectos de los factores Como primer paso debemos importar los datos desde el archivo que los contiene, ubicado en la carpeta de trabajo, que para este caso se llama dataset.txt. library(printr)...

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Muhammad Faris Hisyam 6

Covid-19 Cases by Country 21 May 2020 Latest


COVID-19 CASES BY COUNTRY This dataset is from johns_hokins_csse data. this dataset was last updated 21 May 2020, so this dataset is not the most updated covid-19 case count. We will see...

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Preparing clean data from cleaning log Latest


R Training: Preparing clean data from cleaning log REACH Iraq Preparing clean data from cleaning log 1.Preparing clean data from Cleaning log There are plenty of functions that can make clean data from the cleaning log. This tutorial...

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Michał Lahutta 6

Sprawozdanie1 Latest


0.1 Rodzaje struktur danych 0.1.1 Wektory Zadanie 1. Utwórz wektor danych “wiek” (w latach). Każdy z nich ma mieć 10 obserwacji, dowolne wartości. wiek <- c(15,25,40,50,60,23,33,36,19,24) 0.1.2 Czynnik Zadanie 2. Utwórz wektor ryzyko...

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Miguel Acosta- Colombia 6



ANALISIS DE DATOS Pregunta ¿Existe relación entre las personas que han presentado emergencias de salud y aquellas con problemas de nutrición según la Provincia de Ecuador para el año 2020? DATA Se utilizaron dos bases de datos obtenidas del...

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