Publications by Joe Long
Employment during Covid19 Pandemic _ Retail Sectors
All Employees, Retail Trade (CEU4200000001) date value 2020-01-01 15573 2020-02-01 15425 2020-03-01 15365 2020-04-01 13175 2020-05-01 13638 2020-06-01 14547 2020-07-01 14794 2020-08-01 15014 2020-09-01 14942 2020-10-01 15184 2020-11-01 15501 2020-12-01 15730 ## Warning: `parse_quosure()` is dep...
586 sym R (932 sym/4 pcs) 9 img 9 tbl
Industry Employments in Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA
###All Employees: Retail Trade in Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA (MSA) (SMU06401404200000001) indicator <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "SMU06401404200000001", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) indicator[,c(1,3)] %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed")) date val...
1383 sym R (16126 sym/30 pcs) 15 img 15 tbl
Balance Sheet _ Federal Reserve
Velocity of M1 Money Stock (M1V) M1 is the money supply of currency in circulation (notes and coins, traveler’s checks [non-bank issuers], demand deposits, and checkable deposits). A decreasing velocity of M1 might indicate fewer short- term consumption transactions are taking place Calculated as the ratio of quarterly nominal GDP (https://fr...
2914 sym R (5481 sym/12 pcs) 6 img
Consumer Credit Banking
Total Consumer Credit Owned and Securitized indicator <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "TOTALNS", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) # plotting data indicator %>% ggplot() + geom_line(mapping = aes(x=date,y=value), color = "blue4",size=1) + labs(title = "Total Consumer Credit Owned an...
563 sym R (6007 sym/10 pcs) 10 img
U.S. Economy _ Manufacturing sector
GDP-Based Recession Indicator Index (JHGDPBRINDX) This index measures the probability that the U.S. economy was in a recession during the indicated quarter. It is based on a mathematical description of the way that recessions differ from expansions. The index corresponds to the probability (measured in percent) that the underlying true economic r...
2050 sym R (15942 sym/28 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl
2020 Personal Income during COVID19 Pandemic
Consumer Sentiment as general trends. UMCSENT: University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment. Index 1966:Q1=100,Not Seasonally Adjusted senti <- "UMCSENT" %>% tq_get(get = "", from = "2015-01-01") %>% rename(count = price) senti %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = count)) + geom_line(color = "firebrick2",size=.8) + ...
2520 sym R (4902 sym/11 pcs) 9 img
U.S. Automobile Sales during COVID 19 Pandemic
General trends # search database for a car production series search_ls <- fredr_series_search_text("auto manufacturing employee") search_ls$title[1:40] ## [1] "All Employees: Manufacturing: Durable Goods: Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Michigan" ## [2] "All Employees: Manufacturi...
1101 sym R (17633 sym/26 pcs) 17 img 6 tbl
Health insurance coverage for full-time workers in California
Under the ACA, employers with 50 or more full-time employees (or the equivalent in part-time employees) must provide health insurance to 95% of their full-time employees or pay a penalty; However, the penalty has been repealed. Health Insurance Coverage as a Voluntary Benefit Many smaller companies offer health insurance as a benefit, even if the...
1083 sym R (4598 sym/17 pcs) 4 img 4 tbl
Median Contract Rent _ 2018 California
B25058_001 Median Contract Rent (Dollars) ## c(Median household Income, Median Housing Value) ca_rent <- get_acs(geography = "congressional district", variables = "B25058_001", year = 2018, survey = "acs5", state = "06") ## Getting data from the 2014-2018 5-year ACS...
158 sym R (30303 sym/18 pcs) 5 img 3 tbl
Unemployment in California _ COVID19 Pandemic
National Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) usa_claims <- "UNRATE" %>% tq_get(get = "", from = "2019-01-01") %>% rename(claims = price) usa_claims %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = claims)) + geom_line(color = "blue",size=1) + labs( x = "", y = "", title = "New Unemployment Claims ...
623 sym R (8281 sym/19 pcs) 16 img 1 tbl