Publications by Joe Long

U.S. Dollar Currency Exchange


Currency Spot Exchange Rate Venezuela / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate (EXVZUS) symbol <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "EXVZUS", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) indicator <[,c(1,3)] indicator %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed")) %>% column_s...

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2020 Federal government current revenues


Recession Indicator Index (JHGDPBRINDX) This index measures the probability that the U.S. economy was in a recession during the indicated quarter. It is based on a mathematical description of the way that recessions differ from expansions. The index corresponds to the probability (measured in percent) that the underlying true economic regime is o...

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Commercial Banks _ August 2020


Total Assets, All Commercial Banks (TLAACBM027NBOG) symbol <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "TLAACBM027NBOG", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) indicator <[,c(1,3)] indicator %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed")) %>% column_spec(2, T, color = ...

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Employment: Restaurant industry in California During Covid19


All Employees: Leisure and Hospitality in California (CALEIH) indicator <- fredr(series_id = "CALEIH", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) ggplot(data = indicator, mapping = aes(x = date, y = value, color = series_id)) + geom_line(size=1) + labs(title = "Employment: Leisure and Hospitality in California", subtitle = st...

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Housing Prices _ Median Listing Prices by County in California During COVID19


As of November 25, 2020 by FRED St. Louis Federal Reserve Median Sales Price for New Houses Sold in the United States (MSPNHSUS) indicator <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "MSPNHSUS", observation_start = as.Date("2010-01-01")) tail(indicator[,c(1,3)],n=13) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hov...

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Presentation _ California Housing Markets


8/25/2020 San Diego, CA Housing Markets During COVID19 Pandemic Data source :, retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis General trends in California counties during Covid19 Pandemic Series title: Median Listing Price in California Frequency : Monthly from January 2019 to July 2020 Median Listing Price in California ...

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Housing Market _ Riverside County, CA


8/26/2020 San Diego, CA General Population trend date population 2010-01-01 2202 2011-01-01 2234 2012-01-01 2261 2013-01-01 2287 2014-01-01 2316 2015-01-01 2346 2016-01-01 2380 2017-01-01 2415 2018-01-01 2446 2019-01-01 2471 Housing Markets in Riverside County During COVID19 Pandemic Data source : Re...

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Manufacturing in Texas


Non-Durable Goods: Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing Payroll Employment in Texas (TX32324000M158FRBDAL) oil <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "TX32324000M158FRBDAL", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) # plotting data ggplot(oil) + geom_line(mapping = aes(x=date,y=value), color = "...

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U.S. Construction Spending During COVID19


General Population trend Total Construction Spending (TTLCON) date value 2018-12-01 97197 2019-01-01 91934 2019-02-01 92116 2019-03-01 102631 2019-04-01 110140 2019-05-01 116885 2019-06-01 122329 2019-07-01 125821 2019-08-01 128092 2019-09-01 126732 2019-10-01 123755 2019-11-01 118357 2019-12-...

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U.S. Unemployment rates _ September 04 Update


Initial Claims (ICNSA) usa_claims <- "ICNSA" %>% tq_get(get = "", from = "2019-01-01") %>% rename(claims = price) usa_claims %>% ggplot(aes(x = date, y = claims)) + geom_rect(aes(xmin= dmy('01-01-2020'), xmax=dmy('01-10-2020'), ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf), fill = "white", alpha...

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