Publications by Joe Long
2018 Unemployment rates in California
Unemployment rates using different congressional district boundaries B23025_005E Unemployed Estimate In Civilian labor force B23025_003E Total Estimate In Civilian labor force B23025_004E Employed Estimate In Civilian labor force v18 <- load_variables(2018, "acs5", cache = TRUE) # B25064_001 Estimate!!Median gross rent View(v18) Var<-c...
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Housing Values ,using different geometric boundaries
Median housing values using different geographical boundaries Census variable = “B25077_001” Var<-c("B19013_001","B25077_001") ## c(Median household Income, Median Housing Value) ca_df <- get_acs(geography = "county", variables = Var, year = 2017, survey = "acs5", ...
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Median Household Income in California
Household income using different geographical boundaries Census variable for median household income = “B19013_001” ca <- get_acs(geography = "county", variables = "B19013_001", state = "CA",year = 2017) ## Getting data from the 2013-2017 5-year ACS ca_cd <- get_acs(geography = "congressional district", variables = "B19013_001", state = "CA"...
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Employment: Food and Drinking Sector During COVID19
All Employees: Food Services and Drinking in California (SMU06000007072200001) indicator <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "SMU06000007072200001", observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) indicator[,c(1,3)] %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed")) date value 2019-01-01 142...
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U.S. Manufacturing: Capacity utilization and Employment
GDP-Based Recession Indicator Index (JHGDPBRINDX) This index measures the probability that the U.S. economy was in a recession during the indicated quarter. It is based on a mathematical description of the way that recessions differ from expansions. The index corresponds to the probability (measured in percent) that the underlying true economic r...
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Federal Revenues and Outlays
Real Gross Domestic Product (Euro/ECU series) for Austria (CLVMEURNSAB1GQAT) date value 2010-01-01 70039 2010-04-01 73077 2010-07-01 74827 2010-10-01 77954 2011-01-01 73152 2011-04-01 75470 2011-07-01 76845 2011-10-01 79078 2012-01-01 74582 2012-04-01 76024 2012-07-01 76786 2012-10-01 79226 201...
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Occupations by Gender
Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Software developers, applications and systems software occupations: 16 years and over: Men (LEU0254584000A) Employed full time: Wage and salary workers: Software developers, applications and systems software occupations: 16 years and over: Women (LEU0254690800A) index <-fredr_series_observations(serie...
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Housing Construction 2020
General market trend before 2020 House Price Index for the United States (USSTHPI) Index 1980:Q1=100,Not Seasonally Adjusted symbol <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "USSTHPI", observation_start = as.Date("2000-01-01")) indicator <[,c(1,3)] tail(indicator) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_optio...
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U.S. International Trade Balances
Trade Balance: Goods and Services, Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) indicator <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "BOPGSTB", observation_start = as.Date("2010-01-01")) # plotting data ggplot(indicator) + geom_rect(aes(xmin= dmy('01-01-2020'), xmax=dmy('01-09-2020'), ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf), fill = "li...
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Google trends
res <- gtrends("pizza", geo = "US", time=("2020-08-01 2020-08-31")) names(res) ## [1] "interest_over_time" "interest_by_country" "interest_by_region" ## [4] "interest_by_dma" "interest_by_city" "related_topics" ## [7] "related_queries" res$interest_by_region %>% arrange(desc(hits)) %>% head(...
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