Publications by Joe Long

Premature Death Rates _ California counties


What is Premature Death Rate? Years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (one-year estimate) Premature death is a measure of years of potential life lost due to death occurring before the age of 75. Deaths at younger ages contribute more to the premature death rate than deaths occurring closer to age 75. For example, a...

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Premature Death Rates _ Arizona counties


What is Premature Death Rate? Years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (one-year estimate) Premature death is a measure of years of potential life lost due to death occurring before the age of 75. Deaths at younger ages contribute more to the premature death rate than deaths occurring closer to age 75. For example, a...

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Premature Death Rates _ Texas counties


What is Premature Death Rate? Years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (one-year estimate) Premature death is a measure of years of potential life lost due to death occurring before the age of 75. Deaths at younger ages contribute more to the premature death rate than deaths occurring closer to age 75. For example, a...

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Manufacturing Business Outlook


University of Louisville and Oklahoma State University: LoDI National Index (LODINIM066N) The LoDI Index uses linear regression analysis to combine cargo volume data from rail, barge, air, and truck transit, along with various economic factors. The resulting indicator is designed to predict upcoming changes in the level of logistics and distr...

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Producer Prices Indexes


Producer Price Index by Commodity: All Commodities (PPIACO) Producer Price Index by Industry: Total Manufacturing Industries (PCUOMFGOMFG) Producer Price Index by Industry: Plastics Material and Resins Manufacturing (PCU325211325211) Producer Price Index by Commodity: Chemicals and Allied Products: Industrial Chemicals (WPU061) Producer Pr...

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Employment Markets in California


Business Applications for California (BUSAPPWNSACA) Job Postings on Indeed in California (IHLCHGUSCA) All Employees: Construction in California (CACONSN) All Employees: Education and Health Services in California (CAEDUHN) All Employees: Financial Activities in California (CAFIREN) All Employees: Government in California (CAGOVTN) All Empl...

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Arizona Election _ 2020 Presidential Election


Counties Maricopa County Pinal County Yavapai County Mohave County Coconino County Yuma County Cochise County Navajo County Apache County ...

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Foreign Born and Citizenship Status


Analysizing Census data: Tidycensus package (K. Walker and Herman 2021), R package designed to facilitate the process of acquiring and working with US Census Bureau population data in the R environment. The package has two distinct goals: Data retrieval from Census Data manipulation and wrangling for analysis B05002_014 Estimate!!Total:!!For...

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Price Index (International Services): Air Freight


Inbound Price Index (International Services): Air Freight (IC131) Outbound Price Index (International Services): Air Freight (IS231) Inbound Price Index (International Services): Air Freight for Europe (IC1311) Outbound Price Index (International Services): Air Freight for Europe (IC2311) Inbound Price Index (International Services): Air ...

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Vietnam's Economy


Data source : Federal Reserve FRED data system Population, Viet Nam (POPTOTVNA647NWDB) Gross Domestic Product for Viet Nam (MKTGDPVNA646NWDB) ## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: label ## Ignoring unknown parameters: label Gross Domestic Product Per Capita for Viet Nam (PCAGDPVNA646NWDB) GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided ...

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