Publications by Joe Long

California Economy During COVID19 Pandemic


Initial Claims in California (CAICLAIMS) ## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0. ## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead. Continued Claims (Insured Unemployment) in California (CACCLAIMS) Job Postings on Indeed in California (IHLCHGUSCA) All Employees: Construction in California (CACONSN) All Employees: E...

1584 sym 19 img

National Employment Trends


Labor Force Participation Rate (LNU01300000) series_ls <-fredr_series_observations(series_id = "LNU01300000",observation_start = as.Date("2019-01-01")) # convert series list to dataframe series_df <-, series_ls) # plotting data ggplot(series_df) + geom_line(mapping = aes(x=date,y=value), color = "blue") + labs(x...

506 sym Python (5449 sym/8 pcs) 8 img

Asian Populations in Santa Clara County, CA by cities


Analysizing Census data: Tidycensus package (K. Walker and Herman 2021), R package designed to facilitate the process of acquiring and working with US Census Bureau population data in the R environment. The package has two distinct goals: Data retrieval from Census Data manipulation and wrangling for analysis Asian Populations in California ...

2528 sym Python (135 sym/3 pcs) 2 img 30 tbl

Foreign-born populations in Orange County, CA


B05006 PLACE OF BIRTH FOR THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES Orange County, California ## Getting data from the 2016-2020 5-year ACS ## New names: ## • `` -> `...2` Orange County, CA 2020 Foreign-Born Population Census table: B05006 original estimate Mexico 308008 Vietnam 150880 China: 69897 Korea 65332 Philippines 54347 Ch...

256 sym Python (385 sym/10 pcs) 5 tbl

U.S. Imports and Exports


Trade Balance: Goods and Services, Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) The trade balance is the amount of exports minus imports Exports of Goods and Services, Balance of Payments Basis (BOPTEXP) Exports of Goods, Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGEXP) Exports of Services, Balance of Payments Basis (BOPSEXP) Imports of Goods and Services: Bala...

1087 sym Python (350 sym/5 pcs) 8 img

Los Angeles Demographics: by cities


Analysizing Census data: Tidycensus package (K. Walker and Herman 2021), R package designed to facilitate the process of acquiring and working with US Census Bureau population data in the R environment. The package has two distinct goals: Data retrieval from Census Data manipulation and wrangling for analysis Asian Populations in California ...

2786 sym 2 img 27 tbl

Gasoline Prices


US Regular All Formulations Gas Price (GASREGW) US Premium All Formulations Gas Price (GASPRMW) Crude Oil Prices: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) - Cushing, Oklahoma (DCOILWTICO) ## Warning: Removed 1 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path). Spot Crude Oil Price: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) (WTISPLC) Crude Oil Prices: Brent - Europe (DC...

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Vietnamese American populations by 2020 Census in Westminster City, CA


Analysizing Census data: Tidycensus package (K. Walker and Herman 2021), R package designed to facilitate the process of acquiring and working with US Census Bureau population data in the R environment. The package has two distinct goals: Data retrieval from Census Data manipulation and wrangling for analysis ##2020 ASIAN ALONE BY SELECTED G...

528 sym Python (90 sym/2 pcs) 3 img 2 tbl

Asian population in US cities


Total Consumer Credit Owned and Securitized (TOTALNS) Revolving Consumer Credit Owned and Securitized (REVOLNS) Student Loans Owned and Securitized (SLOAS) Motor Vehicle Loans Owned and Securitized (MVLOAS) Households; Owners’ Equity in Real Estate, Level (OEHRENWBSHNO) Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Total Mortgages; Liability, L...

541 sym Python (493 sym/2 pcs) 7 img

Industry Employment in same cities in Orange County, CA


Analysizing Census data: Tidycensus package (K. Walker and Herman 2021), R package designed to facilitate the process of acquiring and working with US Census Bureau population data in the R environment. The package has two distinct goals: Data retrieval from Census Data manipulation and wrangling for analysis Table C24070_001 Industry employ...

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