Publications by Colin Fay

How to Write an R Package Wrapping a NodeJS Module


Mr A Bichat was looking for a way to bundle a NodeJS module inside an R package. Here is an attempt at a reproducible example, that might also help others! About NodeJS Packages There are two ways to install NodeJS packages: globally and locally. The idea with local dependencies is that when writing your application or your script, you bundle ins...

5720 sym R (6388 sym/17 pcs)

Fetch API Results from the Browser and send them to Shiny


How to fetch API results from client-side in a Shiny app and send them to R. Why on earth? Good question! Why on earth would you want your Shiny application to make API requests from the User Interface (i.e. from the browser)? Right now, if your application makes API calls, chances are that you have being doing them straight from R, and that it ...

2168 sym Python (801 sym/2 pcs)

Learning Shiny for Production


Hey Shiny devs of the world! I’m leading a training in July about building a Shiny application for production. It will be a 10 half-day session, with everything happening remotely, meaning that you can attend from anywhere in the world ????. During this online workshop, I’ll share a lot of what we know about building a robust Shiny applicatio...

1446 sym

What’s a “successful” Shiny Application?


One of the things that we keep promoting in the ThinkR team are good practices for production software engineering in R. Of course, that implies Shiny Applications—and even more if we introduce the {golem} package, which promotes good practices for “production-grade” Shiny application. But let’s take a step back and think about what makes...

872 sym

Hello hordes!


Introducing hordes, a module that makes R available from NodeJS. About General philosophy The general idea of hordes is that NodeJS is the perfect tool when it comes to HTTP i/o, hence we can leverage the strength of this ecosystem to build Web Services that can serve R results. For example, if you have a web service that needs authentication, us...

5799 sym R (6712 sym/13 pcs)

clientsdb – A docker image with clients comments


Have you ever been looking for a ready to use database while doing training? Search no more, this docker is an image with a client review database dropped inside a postgre, to be used for teaching. About the dataset The titles and comments are extracted from this Google Drive link that contains “amazon_review_full_csv.tar.gz”, which I discove...

1199 sym R (2318 sym/4 pcs)

{hexmake} is one of the 5 Grand Prizes of the 2020 Shiny Contest


Hey y’all! I’m very happy to announce that my {hexmake} application has won one of the 5 Grand Prizes of the 2020 shiny contest, organized by RStudio! {hexmake} is a pretty simple application when it comes to its idea: building hex stickers. But I wanted this simple idea to become a playground for showcasing more advanced {shiny} features: na...

1299 sym R (627 sym/3 pcs)

Can I host my R packages on npm? (Spoiler: yes)


I’m a big fan of how dependencies are managed in the NodeJS world, be it internally when developing, or when it comes to where they are hosted (i.e via npm, the Node Package Manager). Of course it has its downside (that I won’t be talking about here), but from a developer point of view the easiness of publication and installation is really ni...

4202 sym R (8878 sym/8 pcs)

‘Run for RLadies’ online event


Hey internet! Around two weeks ago I started a club on Strava called “The RStats Strava Club”, with no real idea in mind, I just wanted to virtually gather runners from the R community, the one that I already know, and the one I didn’t know yet. It was fun to see that after one week this group gathered more than 150 members ????. (For those...

3829 sym

We Run for RLadies


Hey internet, it’s me again! If you follow this blog, you’ve seen two weeks ago that we launched a “Run for RLadies” online event, where you could sponsor runners from the RStats Strava Club (and others), by matching 1$/€ by km run during a run made on the week-end of the 3rf and 4th of October. Here is a short summary of how much km ea...

1602 sym