Publications by Colin Fay

Explain R environments like I’m five


“Can you explain me what are environments in R?” The beginning of a series of blogpost about R concepts, explained to my daughter. Side note: no, my daughter is not five, and she’s not named Alice. And she doesn’t speak english either ¯\(ツ)/¯. “Daddy, I’ve seen you reading this book with a weird chapter named ‘Environments in ...

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dockerfiler is now on CRAN


{dockerfiler} is a package that comes with a simple, object oriented API for Dockerfile creation, straight from your R session. Now on CRAN. Installation You can install {dockerfiler} from GitHub with: # install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("colinfay/dockerfiler") Or from CRAN with : install.packages("dockerfiler") Basic worflow ...

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[How to] Write a purrr-like adverb


Create your own safely, compose and friends! What is an adverb If you read carefully the purrr documentation, you’ll find this simple explanation : Adverbs modify the action of a function; taking a function as input and returning a function with modified action as output. In other words, adverbs take a function, and return this function modif...

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Playing with #rstatsnyc, Neo4J and R


A search on Twitter, some R, and just enough Neo4J. Disclaimer: of course everything here could be done in pure R. But hey, where’s the fun in that? Disclaimer bis: this blogpost relies on {neo4r}, a package still under active development. Get the tweets library(rtweet) ny <- search_tweets("#rstatsnyc", n = 3000) Tweets collected at Sys.tim...

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Serve your dataset in RStudio Connection Pane with {fryingpane}


Serve the dataset from a package in RStudio Connection Pane. About {fryingpane} is a nice R dad joke a package that has only two functions: cook: serve the dataset from a package in your RStudio Connection Pane: serve: create a function in your package that will serve the datasets from the package inside the Connection Pane, with this kind of c...

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[How-to] Share content between several R6 instances


The object oriented system is a nice and powerful way to program and to build softwares and data in R. Yet, it can be a little bit daunting at first, especially if you’ve alway been coding in R, and with functions. In this blogpost, we’ll have a look at {R6}, one of the most downloaded package from the CRAN, which is one of the backbone of a ...

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The dependencies conundrum


A little dive into CRAN package dependencies. What is a dependencies? Roughly, a dependencie is a package needed by another package to work: in other words, if someone has already coded a function that you need, you can use it by listing another package as a dependency. But that also implies that whenever someone install your package, the depende...

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Dockerise and deploy your own R Archive Repo


There are severals reasons you would want to deploy your own R archive repo: you don’t want to rely on GitHub for your dev packages, you want to use a more “confidential” way, or maybe (and that’s good enough a reason), you’re a nerd and you like the idea of hosting your own repo. So, here’s how to. What’s a repo? An R archive netwo...

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Happy dev with {purrr}


A transcription of my talk at the Rencontres R 2018. 7th Rencontres R From the 4th to 6th of July, I was with ThinkR at the 7th edition of the Rencontres R, the annual French meeting about R. During this conference, I gave a lightning called “Vous allez aimer avoir {purrr}”, which is a french dad-joke about the fact that {purrr} sounds exactl...

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[ggplot2] Welcome viridis !


Let’s welcome the viridis palette into the new version of {ggplot2}! Viri-what ? viridis is one of the favorite color palettes of one of the member of the team (guesswho). The viridis palette was first developed for the python package matplotlib, and has been implemented in R since. The strengths of this palette are that: plots are beautiful (...

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