Publications by Colin Fay
[Web2Day] Producing web content with R
Earlier this week, my talk at the Web2Day conference was put online. Here is an english summary for those who don’t understand french 🙂 Disclaimer: this talk has been given during a conference about web technologies. In other word,in front of a crowd that has never / hardly heard about R before. If you’re already familiar with R, Rmarkdow...
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A quick #WorldEmojiDay exploration
Let’s celebrate #WorldEmojiDay with a quick exploration of my own twitter account. The ? We’ll need: From Github {emo} remote::install_github("hadley/emo") From CRAN {dplyr} {tidyr} {rtweet} {tidytext} Note: This page has been created at: Sys.time() ## [1] "2018-07-17 17:22:29 CEST" The ? Let’s get my last 3200 tweets: library(emo) ...
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About lazy evaluation
A follow-up on Thomas Lumley follow-up post on Miles McBain post about quotation. In this post, Thomas is continuing Miles exploration of the concept of quoting and evaluation in R. Thomas speaks a little bit about lazy evaluation, and I decided to continue to explore this concept. Notably I wish to start over from on this quote from the blog pos...
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Wrangling Wikileaks DMs
Using R to turn raw data into browsable and reusable content. About On the 29th of July 2018, Emma Best published on her website the copy of 11k+ wikileaks Twitter DM : To be honnest, I’m not really interested in the content of this dataset. What really intereste...
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Remaking ‘Luminance-gradient-dependent lightness illusion’ with R
A blogpost inspired by a tweet and a YouTube video. ‘Luminance-gradient-dependent lightness illusion’ In the last days, I’ve stumbled upon this tweet: A demo of lightness perception — Akiyoshi Kitaoka (@AkiyoshiKitaoka) August 12, 2018 Which is a demonstration of how our perception of color is affected by the ...
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Playing around with RStudio Package Manager
Managing packages in production is a lot of work: you have to juggle between versions, internal packages, CRAN updates, Bioconductor, GitHub sources… Let’s have a look into RStudio Package Manager, one of the tools available that helps you dealing with this. What is love RSPM (Baby don’t hurt me, no more ) RStudio Package Manager (or RSPM ...
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Why do we use arrow as an assignment operator?
A Twitter Thread turned into a blog post. In June, I published a little thread on Twitter about the history of the <- assignment operator in R. Here is a blog post version of this thread. Historical reasons As you all know, R comes from S. But you might not know a lot about S (I don’t). This language used <- as an assignment operator. It’s p...
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A Tale of Two Shiny Apps: Google Auth & ShinyProxy
Once upon a time, there was a team of fearless R knights who started a new quest: they were missioned to bring the almighty Google Auth into the wonderful world of ShinyProxy. Here is their story, told from the inside. In the beginning, there was a container For those amongst our readers who do not know ShinyProxy, this open source project by Op...
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RConsortium — Building an R Certification
For the last months, ThinkR has been involved (with Mango, Procogia and the Linux Foundation) in a working group for an RConsortium R Certification. Why this Working Group (WG)? No doubt the demand for R (and for Data Science) has been increasing over the past few years — Data Scientist became the sexiest job of the century according to Ha...
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Solving #AdventOfCode day 1 and 2 with R
Solving the first four puzzles of Advent of Code with R. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 1 and 2. Advent of Code Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming...
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