Publications by Colin Fay

Advent of Code 2019-03 with R & JavaScript


Solving Advent of Code 2019-03 with R and JavaScript. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 3. [Disclaimer bis] I’m no JavaScript expert so this might not be the perfect solution. TBH, that’s also the case for the R solution. About the JavaScript code The JavaScrip...

1201 sym R (2033 sym/3 pcs)

Advent of Code 2019-04 with R & JavaScript


Solving Advent of Code 2019-04 with R and JavaScript. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 4. [Disclaimer bis] I’m no JavaScript expert so this might not be the perfect solution. TBH, that’s also the case for the R solution. About the JavaScript code The JavaScrip...

1130 sym R (2078 sym/3 pcs)

Advent of Code 2019-05 with R & JavaScript


Solving Advent of Code 2019-05 with R and JavaScript. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 5. [Disclaimer bis] I’m no JavaScript expert so this might not be the perfect solution. TBH, that’s also the case for the R solution. About the JavaScript code The JavaScrip...

996 sym R (4171 sym/3 pcs)

Advent of Code 2019-06 with R


Solving Advent of Code 2019-06 with R (and no JavaScript this time). [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 6. Instructions Find the instructions at: R solution Part one library(magrittr) library(igraph) ## ## Attaching package: 'ig...

830 sym R (545 sym/2 pcs)

Advent of Code 2019-07 with R


Solving Advent of Code 2019-07 with R. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 7. Instructions Find the instructions at: R solution vec <- scan("input7.txt", numeric(), sep = ",") # Getting parse_opcode source("intcode_helpers.R") ...

647 sym R (3128 sym/2 pcs)

Advent of Code 2019-08 with R & JavaScript


Solving Advent of Code 2019-08 with R and JavaScript. [Disclaimer] Obviously, this post contains a big spoiler about Advent of Code, as it gives solutions for solving day 8. About the JavaScript code The JavaScript code has been written in the same RMarkdown as the R code. It runs thanks to the {bubble} package:

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chuck — A training tool for deploying Shiny Apps


chuck is a small app you can use as a training tool for deploying Shiny applications. Why? In late December the ThinkR team followed a three day workshop on Kubernetes, which was the opportunity for us to receive a proper training on how to deploy apps to Kube. One challenging thing for this training was to find an app that was useful for toying ...

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How to use your Garmin watch to tell your team you’re going for a run


Building an API in NodeJS and R to send message to Slack from your Garmin watch. Why on earth ThinkR is a remote company, meaning that we all work from our home. On top of other cool things about remote work, this allows me to skip my lunch break and take a one hour break in the middle of the afternoon for sport. And I usually go for a run around...

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Automate the Creation of an API Wrapper package by Scraping its Online Documentation


I’ve recently been building a package to interact with the API. One thing I don’t like about building API wrapper is that it’s very repetitive: you have to copy and paste things over and over again, for each endpoint of the API. Arguments, documentation… But here’s a fun idea, how about scraping the help page of the API to g...

2713 sym R (14531 sym/17 pcs)

Use R & GitHub as a Workout planner


Over the years, I’ve been trying a bunch a different applications and methods to stay motivated to workout. But every time it’s the same: at some point the application is great but limited if you do not pay, or the workouts are repetitive, or simply I can’t get into the habit of using the application. What if there were a solution that is f...

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