Publications by by Dr. zhenning Jimmy xu, follow me on Twitter:

Geomarketing - Visualizing and Understanding Dunkin’ Donuts’ Location strategy


Geomarketing with R This tutorial is a basic geomarketing application developed using R and the Leaflet package available in the R environment. You’ll be able to develop a basic interactive map and get it embedded to your own web repository for geomarketing purposes. ## Data source: We will be using the free data source available from the ArcG...

3290 sym R (707 sym/8 pcs)

Chi-squared test for association in R - what factors affected those who survived


The statistical significance of beer and a list of statisticians behind the ‘6 sigma’ business management William Gosset (13 June 1876 – 16 October 1937) was an English statistician, chemist and brewer who served as Head Brewer of Guinness and Head Experimental Brewer of Guinness and was a pioneer of modern statistics. You have probably hea...

4932 sym R (2881 sym/22 pcs)

Conjoint analysis


Example - identifying determinates of consumers’ choice of specific brands and types of tea a store should stock Q1 - Which kind of tea would customers prefer? Q2 - Which kind of tea should the store stock? ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = frml) ## ## Residuals: ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

648 sym R (7890 sym/16 pcs)

Presentation - Topic modeling1


Exploring the Sugar Tax Debate on Reddit and Twitter: A Sentiment Analysis Approach Zhenning Xu 02.27.2020 1 Research questions What sugar-tax-related topics do people discuss on Twitter and Reddit? How can we identify different sugar-related topics that people talk about? “Sin” tax toward sugary drinks - do pe...

4168 sym 11 img

Mapping 1000 Twitter users


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17 sym 1 img

Presentation - Topic modeling


Exploring the Sugar Tax Debate on Reddit and Twitter: A Sentiment Analysis Approach Zhenning Xu 02.27.2020 1 Research questions What sugar-tax-related topics do people discuss on Twitter and Reddit? How can we identify different sugar-related topics that people talk about? “Sin” tax toward sugary drinks - do pe...

4163 sym 10 img

Presentation - Topic modeling1


Exploring the Sugar Tax Debate on Reddit and Twitter: A Sentiment Analysis Approach Zhenning Xu 02.27.2020 1 Research questions What sugar-tax-related topics do people discuss on Twitter and Reddit? How can we identify different sugar-related topics that people talk about? “Sin” tax toward sugary drinks - do people like it or not? How ...

3958 sym 10 img

Fall 2019 wrapup


################################################################################ ## Course wrap-up (Fall 2019) ## by Dr. Jimmy (Zhenning) Xu, ## follow me on Twitter ## or visit my Rpubs repository #########################################################################...

11823 sym R (355 sym/1 pcs) 5 img

Using Cluster Analysis for Market Segmentation


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Notice: The dplyr package is not stable recently.See my Tweet about this: That said, whe...

2617 sym R (3659 sym/20 pcs) 3 img

Avocado Pricing at Retail


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Note: this analysis was performed using the open source software R and Rstudio. Objective The objective of this basic project is to explain the pr...

4304 sym R (11604 sym/27 pcs) 5 img