Publications by by Dr. zhenning Jimmy xu, follow me on Twitter:

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data & Conducting Time Series Analysis with R (R Studio) - for the Meetup event in Feb 2023


R Markdown Description: This meetup is for anyone interested in learning and sharing knowledge about scraping data from Yahoo Finance using R. Yahoo Finance provides a wealth of financial data that can be used for research, analysis, and investment purposes. In this meetup, we will discuss the basics of web scraping, explore the structure of Ya...

3286 sym Python (4790 sym/30 pcs) 4 img

Understanding the Effectiveness of Advertising using t-test


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see #Warm-up activity for fun - can you replace my name with yours using the following functions? paste("Today is", date()) ## [1] "Today is Wed Feb 15 2...

8432 sym R (4475 sym/28 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl

Avocado - Exploratory Analysis


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Note: this analysis was performed using the open source software R and Rstudio. Objective The objective of this applied project is to explain the pr...

1662 sym R (2215 sym/8 pcs) 3 img

Bivariate analysis for marketing managers


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Note: this analysis was performed using the open source software R and Rstudio. Objective The objective of this tutorial is to explain how bivaria...

1787 sym R (665 sym/4 pcs) 2 img

Session 2


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Note: this analysis was performed using the open source software R and Rstudio. Objective The objective of this tutorial is to explain how bivaria...

1787 sym R (665 sym/4 pcs) 2 img

Avocado Sales - Exploratory Analysis


Avocado Sales - Exploratory Analysis Author zhenning Jimmy xu, follow me on Twitter: Published February 10, 2021 R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see

1834 sym 3 img

t test


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see #Warm-up activity for fun - can you replace my name with yours using the following functions? paste("Today is", date()) ## [1] "Today is Wed Sep 14...

8432 sym R (4475 sym/28 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl

Customer churn analysis


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Note: this analysis was performed using the open source software R and Rstudio. Introduction Customer churn occurs when customers or subscribers s...

3514 sym R (10821 sym/22 pcs) 4 img

Dodgers stadium


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Introduction It is tough to make good predictions. The numerous factors or variables, independent and dependent, involved in many sporting events ...

3938 sym R (7712 sym/27 pcs) 2 img



What is A/B testing? Why do we do it? Design-led companies (Apple, Google, Airbnb, etc.) frequently apply design thinking to design new products (Naiman 2020). A/B testing (also known as split testing or bucket testing) is “a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better.” (Opti...

7552 sym R (4381 sym/26 pcs)