Publications by Anencephaly

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) 2007-2015


Background Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a birth defect where a hole in the diaphragm allows for the passage of organs in the abdomen, such as the intestines, stomach, and liver, upwards into an infant’s chest.[1] The diaphragm is the large muscle that separates the chest from abdomen and when an organ in the abdomen pushes through t...

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Background Encephalocele is a neural tube defect (NTD) or brain disorder that causes part of the brain to protrude through a gap in the skull. The portion of the brain that protrudes through the gap in the skull is most often located on the back of the head (occipital region) and is typically covered by skin or a membrane. The gap in the skull is...

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Cleft Conditions 2015


Background Cleft conditions, commonly referred to as orofacial clefts, includes all cleft lip and cleft palate birth defects [1]. Orofacial clefts occur when a baby’s lip and/or palate do not form properly during early pregnancy. Cleft lip occurs when the lip does not come together during development, separating the lip either on one side (unil...

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Prevalence Rates 2011-2015


Report and Estimated Defect Prevalence Estimates (per 10,000 live births) Defect Reports Report Prevalence (95%CI) PPV NPV Estimated Defects Defect Prevalence (95%CI) Cardiovascular   Aortic valve stenosis 13 2.3 (1.2,3.9) NA   Atrial septal defect 973 171.0 (160.4,182.1) NA   Atrioventricular septal defect 29 5.1 (3.4,7...

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Gastroschisis 2007-2015


Background Gastroschisis, like omphalocele, is a birth defect in the abdominal wall that causes a newborn’s intestines and sometimes other organs (e.g. stomach and liver) to protrude outside of the baby’s body, usually through a hole next to the belly button. This condition occurs when the muscles that make up the baby’s abdominal wall do ...

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Anencephaly 2007-2015


Background Anencephaly is a neural tube defect (NTD) or brain disorder that results when the upper part of the neural tube does not close all the way. The neural tube is essential in forming the infant’s brain, skull, and spinal cord. The incomplete closure of the upper part of the neural tube results in a infant being born without the forebrai...

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Spina Bifida


Background Spina bifida without anencephalus (hereafter referred to only as spina bifida) is a neural tube defect or brain disorder that results in an incomplete formation of the brain, spinal cord, or meninges (protective covering around the brain and spinal cord). The most serious type results in a sac of fluid protruding through an opening in ...

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MCH Epidemiology Survery 2020


Resources and Information What resources or information do you wish you had to support you and your family during this time? Responses: Information regarding unemployment benefits. Information about the future and decisions made by officials. Information on how to keep oneself safe. Information on resources available for those struggling menta...

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Background Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a birth defect where a hole in the diaphragm allows for the passage of organs in the abdomen, such as the intestines, stomach, and liver, upwards into an infant’s chest.[1] The diaphragm is the large muscle that separates the chest from abdomen and when an organ in the abdomen pushes through t...

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Hirschsprung Disease_16


Background Hirschsprung disease (or congentital aganglionic megacolon) is a birth defect that affects the functioning of the infant’s colon (part of the large intestine) due to missing nerve cells in the muscles. These nerve cells are important for the proper movement of stool through the bowel. When nerve cells are missing from areas of the co...

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