Publications by Super User
Last call for the course on Advanced R programming
Next week we will hold our yearly course on Advanced R programming at LStat, Leuven. If you are interested in learning one of the following techniques, don’t hesitate to subscribe at Functions, the apply family of functions, parallelisation, advanced data manipu...
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Corona in Belgium
I lost a few hours this afternoon when digging into the Corona virus data mainly caused by reading this article at this website which gives a nice view on how to be aware of potential issues which can arise when collecting data and to be aware of hidden factors and it also shows Belgium. As a Belgian, I was interested to see how Corona might im...
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Biterm topic modelling for short texts
A few weeks ago, we published an update of the BTM (Biterm Topic Models for text) package on CRAN. Biterm Topic Models are especially usefull if you want to find topics in collections of short texts. Short texts are typically a twitter message, a short answer on a survey, the title of an email, search questions, … . For these types of short tex...
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Text Plots
A few weeks ago, we pushed R package textplot to CRAN and it was accepted for release last week. The package contains straightforward functionalities for the visualisation of text, namely of text cooccurences text clusters (in casu biterm clusters) dependency parsing results text correlations and text frequencies Some examples of these plo...
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word2vec in R
Learn how to apply word2vec in R on your text in this pdf presentation available at Where we focus on our R package word2vec available at You can view the presentation below. {aridoc engine=”pdfjs” width=”100%” height=”550″}images/bnosac/blog/R_word2...
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finding contour lines
Finally, the R package you all have been waiting for has arrived – image.ContourDetector developed at It detects contour lines in images alongside the ‘Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection’ algorithm available at Have you always wanted to be able to draw like you are in ...
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udpipe R package updated
An update of the udpipe R package ( landed safely on CRAN last week. Originally the udpipe R package was put on CRAN in 2017 wrapping the UDPipe (v1.2 C++) tokeniser/lemmatiser/parts of speech tagger and dependency parser. It now has many more functionalities next to just providing this parser. The current relea...
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doc2vec in R
Learn how to apply doc2vec in R on your text in this pdf presentation available at Where we focus on our R package doc2vec available at You can view the presentation below. NEW, since 2020, you can now access courses Text Mining with R and Advanced R program...
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