Publications by Super User

Image Annotation


This week, I uploaded a newer version of the R package recogito to CRAN. The recogito R package provides tools to manipulate and annotate images and text in shiny. It is a htmlwidgets R wrapper around the excellent recogito-js and annotorious javascript libraries as well as it’s integration with openseadragon.You can use the package to set up s...

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Getting into R, RCommander, JGR and Deducer


I’ve been meaning to post something about R for a while, but never got started, and now have a pile of things I’d like to post, so it’s time to get started. I first started using R during my Master Dissertation where I had to do some stats.  I’ve since had several occasions needed to do some ad-hoc data analysis of one sort or another, a...

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World Cup 2006 First Goal R Analysis


Quite a while ago my amazing wife asked me if it was possible to find the time of the first goal for the 2006 FIFA World Cup matches.  I was using R at the time and thought it was possible.  Here are the scripts I wrote to scrape the info from the FIFA website.  They’re also posted on my github here. Related To leave a comment for the auth...

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What’s the smallest amount you can’t make with 5 coins ?


My amazing, awesome wife often comes up with the little puzzles for our amazing children, and this one seemed destined to be solved in R. So, using up to 5 coins (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p) first she asked our kids whether they could make every value up to 50p, and then what the smallest value they couldn’t make was. Here’s my R solution ...

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Creating Posters using R, Latex, Beamer and Beamerposter


A while ago I had the need to produce some posters that included lots of data (scientific style).  Having recently got back into R and learning LaTex I googled for a way to do this using R.  Here’s what I found and ended up with, using R, LaTex, Beamer and BeamerPoster. You can pull my beamerposter template and an example Sweave Rnw file from...

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Creating Scientific Posters using R, Latex, Beamer and Beamerposter


A while ago I had the need to produce some posters that included lots of data (scientific style).  Having recently got back into R and learning LaTex I googled for a way to do this using R.  Here’s what I found and ended up with, using R, LaTex, Beamer and BeamerPoster. You can pull my beamerposter template and an example Sweave Rnw file from...

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Git Error when pushing with a large file


Quick Note: I had an error recently where RStudio nor EGit nor the command line would push my repo to github.  I can’t remember the exact error, although after some googling I found this SO answer that solved it git config http.postBuffer 524288000 This fixed my problem. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and c...

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What lens should I buy next ?; Analysing and graphing a Digikam database using R


I use the Open Source photo management Software Digikam (along with other tools such as Gimp and DarkTable).  I obviously need very little encouragement to combine my geeky hobbies, so I quickly tried to interrogate Digikam with R, which is easy, because Digikam keeps all it’s image info in a SQLite database, which R has support for. So this p...

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Creating SVG Plots from R


I recently wanted to create a ggplot that I could then ‘tweak’ furthur. This is my solution, to create an .svg file which can be loaded into a suitable application (I prefer Inkscape) and furthur edited / tweaked. # Build an example Plot library(ggplot2) dataframe <- data.frame(fac = factor(c(1:4)), data1 = rnorm(400, 100, sd = 15)) dataframe...

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Notes on my R / Git workflow


These are some notes on my current R git work flow, which is quite fluid, and git has enough quirks that I usually forget part of it ! Creating Projects I’ve used both RStudio and Eclipse.  RStudio seems easier to create a ‘project’ and add a local git repo to it, but Eclipse has more functionality (like roxygen comment generation) so I pr...

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