Publications by Super User

Computer Vision Algorithms for R users


Just before the summer holidays, BNOSAC presented a talk called Computer Vision and Image Recognition algorithms for R users at the UseR conference. In the talk 6 packages on Computer Vision with R were introduced in front of an audience of about 250 persons. The R packages we covered and that were developed by BNOSAC are: image.CornerDetectionF...

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Machine Learning with R – upcoming course in Belgium


For R users interested in Machine Learning, you can attend our upcoming course on Machine Learning with R which is scheduled on 16-17 October 2017 in Leuven, Belgium. This is now the 4th year this course is given at the university of Leuven so we made quite some updates since the first time this was given 4 years ago. During the course you’ll l...

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Is udpipe your new NLP processor for Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing


If you work on natural language processing in a day-to-day setting which involves statistical engineering, at a certain timepoint you need to process your text with a number of text mining procedures of which the following ones are steps you must do before you can get usefull information about your text Tokenisation (splitting your full text in ...

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Text Mining with R – upcoming courses in Belgium


We use text mining a lot in day-to-day data mining operations. In order to share our knowledge on this, to show that R is an extremely mature platform to do business-oriented text analytics and to give you practical experience with text mining, our course on Text Mining with R is scheduled for the 3rd consecutive year at LStat, the Leuven Statist...

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CRAN search based on natural language processing


CRAN contains up to date (October 2017) more than 11500 R packages. If you want to scroll through all of these, you probably need to spend a few days, assuming you need 5 seconds per package and there are 8 hours in a day. Since R version 3.4, we can also get a dataset will all packages, their dependencies, the package title, the description and ...

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An overview of open data from Belgium


BNOSAC is working on building an application on top of open data from questions and answers given at the parliament in Belgium. It will basically show what our civil servants in parliament are busy with. If you are interested in co-developing, feel free to get in touch for a quick chat. For those of you interested in an overview of open data avai...

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Natural Language Processing for non-English languages with udpipe


BNOSAC is happy to announce the release of the udpipe R package ( which is a Natural Language Processing toolkit that provides language-agnostic ‘tokenization’, ‘parts of speech tagging’, ‘lemmatization’, ‘morphological feature tagging’ and ‘dependency parsing’ of raw text. Next to text parsi...

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Log shiny app visitors and R usage to Google Analytics


If you work on applications for clients or have open sourced some shiny apps, a question that arises is how is your application being used. What you can do in order to find out how your hard work is being consumed is putting your code in logs and then viewing the logs. An easier way however to track usage of your application is just sending page ...

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Last call for the course on Advanced R programming


Last call for the course on Advanced R programming scheduled in Leuven, Belgium on Febuary 20-21 2018. Register at: You’ll learn during that course: The apply family of functions, basic parallel programming for these functions and commonly needed data manipula...

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A comparison between spaCy and UDPipe for Natural Language Processing for R users


In the last few years, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become more and more an open multi-lingual task instead of being held back by language, country and legal boundaries. With the advent of commonly used open data regarding natural language processing tasks as available at one can now relatively easily com...

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