Publications by Super User

Web scraping with R & novel classification algorithms on unbalanced data


Tomorrow, the next RBelgium meeting will be held at the bnosac offices. This is the schedule. Interested? Feel free to join the event. More info: • 18h00-18h30: enter & meet other R users • 18h30-19h00: Web scraping with R: live scraping products & prices of • 19h15-20h00: St...

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taskscheduleR: R package to schedule R scripts with the Windows task manager


If you are working on a Windows computer and want to schedule your R scripts while you are off running, sleeping or having a coffee break, the taskscheduleR package might be what you are looking for.  The taskscheduleR R package is available at and it allows R users to do the following: i) Get the list...

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New RStudio add-in to schedule R scripts


With the release of RStudio add-in possibilities, a new area of productivity increase and expected new features for R users has arrived. Thanks to the help of Oliver who has written an RStudio add-in on top of taskscheduleR, scheduling and automating an R script from RStudio is now exactly one click away if you are working on Windows. How? Just i...

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Good news from Belgium: Course on Applied spatial modelling with R (April 13-14)


Within 2 weeks, our 2-day crash course on Applied spatial modelling with R (April 13-14, 2016) will be given at the University of Leuven, Belgium:’ll learn during this course the following elements: The sp package to handle spatial data (spatial points, lines, polygons, spa...

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Text Mining with R – upcoming training schedule


Part of the R course offering of BNOSAC which you can find at, we offer several 2-day hands-on courses covering the use of text mining tools for the purpose of data analysis. It covers basic text handling, natural language engineering and statistical modelling on top of textual data. Interested ...

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Sentiment analysis and Parts of Speech tagging in Dutch/French/English/German/Spanish/Italian


As part of our continuing effort to digitise poetry and to automate new forms of poetry, we released an R package called pattern.nlp, which is available at . It allows R users to do sentiment analysis and Parts of Speech tagging for text written in Dutch, French, English, German, Spanish or Italian. Of course...

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BelgiumMaps.StatBel: R package with Administrative boundaries of Belgium


We recently opened up the BelgiumMaps.StatBel package and made it available at This R package contains maps with administrative boundaries (national, regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, statistical sectors, agglomerations (200m)) of Belgium extracted from Open Data at Statistics Belgium. ...

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Detect Lines in Digital Images


As part of our data science training initiative, bnosac is also providing a course on computer vision with R & Python which is held in March 9-10 in Leuven, Belgium (subscribe here or have a look at our full training offer here). Part of the course is covering finding blobs, corners, gradients, edges & lines in images. For this reason, the R pack...

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Scheduling R scripts and processes on Windows and Unix/Linux


2 new R packages were put on CRAN last week by BNOSAC ( One package for scheduling R scripts and processes on Windows (taskscheduleR) and Another package for scheduling R scripts and processes on Unix / Linux (cronR) These 2 packages allow you to schedule R processes from R directly. This is done by passing commands directly to ...

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Natural Language Processing on 40 languages with the Ripple Down Rules-based Part-Of-Speech Tagger


Parts of Speech (POS) tagging is a crucial part in natural language processing. It consists of labelling each word in a text document with a certain category like noun, verb, adverb, pronoun, … . At BNOSAC, we use it on a dayly basis in order to select only nouns before we do topic detection or in specific NLP flows. For R users working with di...

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