Publications by Markus Gesmann
Are career motivations changing?
The German news magazine Der Spiegel published a series of articles [1, 2] around career developments. The stories suggest that career aspirations of young professionals today are somewhat different to those of previous generations in Germany. Apparently money and people management responsibility are less desirable for new starters compared to b...
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Interactive web graphs with R – Overview and googleVis tutorial
Today I feel very lucky, as I have been invited to the Royal Statistical Society conference to give a tutorial on interactive web graphs with R and googleVis. I prepared my slides with RStudio, knitr, pandoc and slidy, similar to my Cambridge R talk. You can access the RSS slides online here and you find the original R-Markdown file on github. Y...
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Connecting data to the real world – The next sexy job?
At last week’s Royal Statistical Society (RSS) conference Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google, gave a panel talk about ‘Statistics at Google’. Could he get a better audience than the RSS? Hal talked about his career in academia and at Google. He reminded us of the days when Google was still a small start up with no real idea about how the...
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Using R in Insurance at GIRO 2012
Every year the UK’s general insurance actuarial community organises a big conference, which they call GIRO, short for General Insurance Research Organising committee. This year’s conference is in Brussels from 18 – 21 September 2012. Despite the fact that Brussels is actually in Belgium the UK actuaries will travel all the way ...
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Next Kölner R User Meeting: 5 October 2012
The next Cologne R user group meeting is scheduled for 5 October 2012. All details and the agenda are available on the KölnRUG Meetup site. Please sign up if you would like to come along. Notes from the last Cologne R user group meeting are available here. Thanks also to Revolution Analytics, who are sponsoring the Cologne R user group as part o...
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Connecting the real world to R with an Arduino
If connecting data to the real world is the next sexy job, then how do I do this? And how do I connect the real world to R? It can be done as Matt Shottwell showed with his home made ECG and a patched version of R at useR! 2011. However, there are other options as well and here I will use an Arduino. The Arduino is an open-source el...
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Review: Kölner R Meeting 5 October 2012
The third Cologne R user meeting took place last Friday, 5 October 2012, at the Institute of Sociology. The evening was sponsored by Revolution Analytics, who provided funding which went towards the Kölner R user group Meetup page. We had a good turn-out with 18 participants showing up and three talks by Dominik Liebl, Jonas Stein ...
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googleVis 0.3.0/0.3.1 is released: It’s faster!
Version 0.3.0 of the googleVis package for R has been released on CRAN on 20 October 2012. With this version we have been able to speed up the code considerably. The transformation of R data frames into JSON works significantly faster. The execution of the gvisMotionChart function in the World Bank demo is over 35 times faster. Thanks...
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googleVis 0.3.2 is released: Better integration with knitr
After last week’s kerfuffle I hope the roll out of googleVis version 0.3.2 will be smooth. To test the water I release this version into the wild here and if it doesn’t get shot down in the next days, then I shall try to upload it to CRAN. I am mindful of the CRAN policy, so please get in touch or add comments below if you find any show stopp...
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googleVis 0.3.3 is released and on its way to CRAN
I am very grateful to all who provided feedback over the last two weeks and tested the previous versions 0.3.1 and 0.3.2, which were not released on CRAN. So, what changed since version 0.3.2?Not much, but plot.gvis didn’t open a browser window when options(gvis.plot.tag) were not set to NULL, but the user explicitly called plot.gvi...
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