Publications by Markus Gesmann

ChainLadder 0.1.6 released with chain-ladder factor models


Version 0.1.6 of the ChainLadder package has been released and is already available from CRAN.The new version adds the function CLFMdelta. CLFMdelta finds consistent weighting parameters delta for a vector of selected age-to-age chain-ladder factors for a given run-off triangle.The added functionality was implemented by Dan Murphy, wh...

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googleVis 0.4.4 released with new formatting options for tables


Over the weekend googleVis 0.4.4 found its way to CRAN. The function gvisTable gained a new argument formats that allow users to define the formats numbers displayed in tables. Thanks to J. Buros, who contributed the code.ExampleLoadingSession InfoR version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit) locale: [1] e...

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Doughnut chart in R with googleVis


The guys at Google continue to update and enhance the Chart Tools API. One new recent feature is a pie chart with a hole, or as some call them: donut charts.Thankfully the new functionality is being achieved through new options for the existing pie chart, which means that those new features are available in R via googleVis as well, wi...

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ave and the [ function in R


The ave function in R is one of those little helper function I feel I should be using more. Investigating its source code showed me another twist about R and the “[” function. But first let’s look at ave.The top of ave‘s help page reads: Group Averages Over Level Combinations of FactorsSubsets of x[] are averaged, where each s...

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Using planel.groups in lattice


Last Tuesday I attended the LondonR user group meeting, where Rich and Andy from Mango argued about the better package for multivariate graphics with R: lattice vs. ggplot2. As part of their talk they had a little competition in visualising London Underground performance data, see their slides. Both made heavy use of the respective pa...

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Changing the width of bars and columns in googleVis


Changing the plotting width in bar-, column- and combo-charts of googleVis works identical and is defined by the bar.groupWidth argument. The dot in the argument means that it has to be split in R into bar="{groupWidth:'10%'}". Examplelibrary(googleVis) cc <- gvisColumnChart(head(Population,10), xvar="Country", y...

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Creating a matrix from a long data.frame


There can never be too many examples for transforming data with R. So, here is another example of reshaping a data.frame into a matrix.Here I have a data frame that shows incremental claim payments over time for different loss occurrence (origin) years.The format of the data frame above is how this kind of data is usually stored in a ...

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Next Kölner R User Meeting: 18 Oktober 2013


Quick reminder: The next Cologne R user group meeting is scheduled for this Friday, 18 October 2013. We will discuss and hear about the apply family of functions and the XLConnect package. Further details and the agenda are available on our KölnRUG Meetup site. Please sign up if you would like to come along. Notes from past meetings are availabl...

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Review: Kölner R Meeting 18 October 2013


The Cologne R user group met last Friday for two talks on split apply combine in R and XLConnect by Bernd Weiß and Günter Faes respectively, before the usual Schnitzel and Kölsch at the Lux.Split apply combine in RThe apply family of functions in R is incredible powerful, yet for newcomers often somewhat mysterious. Thus, Bernd gav...

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High resolution graphics with R


For most purposes PDF or other vector graphic formats such as windows metafile and SVG work just fine. However, if I plot lots of points, say 100k, then those files can get quite large and bitmap formats like PNG can be the better option. I just have to be mindful of the resolution.As an example I create the following plot: x <- rnorm...

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