Publications by Markus Gesmann

Show me the data! Or how to digitize plots


I had mentioned the Guardian’s data blog and the need for more data journalism earlier here. What I really like about the Guardian’s approach in particular is that they share the data of their articles and encourage readers to use it.Of course there are perfectly valuable reasons for only displaying a chart and not making the underlying data ...

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Kölner R User Meeting 30 March 2012


Am 30. März 2012 möchte ich gerne das erste Kölner R Benutzer Treffen organisieren. Ich habe an den Treffen in London in den vergangen Jahren teilgenommen und hoffe auch in Köln Gleichgesinnte zu finden, die sich gerne bei einem Kölsch über R and das Leben unterhalten würden.I would like to organise the first R user group meeting in Cologn...

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googleVis 0.2.15 is released: Improved geo and bubble charts


The guys behind the Google Visualisation API don’t seem to rest. On 22 February 2012 they released an update of their API. Google added options for a gradient colour axis to bubble chart and a magnifying glass to geo chart, which opens when the user hovers over cluttered markers (excluding IE<=8). Those updates have been incorporated into versi...

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German train monitor provides access to train delay data


The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) worked together with OpenDataCity to create an online train monitor of the German network: Zugmonitor. This is another great example of the new form of data journalism.The project provides access to data of train delays collected over 150 days between 2 October 2011 and 1 March 2012 and allows you to...

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Change in life expectancy animated with geo charts


The data of the World Bank is absolutely amazing. I had said this before, but their updated iPhone App gives me a reason to return to this topic. Version 3 of the DataFinder App allows you to visualise the data on your phone, including motion maps, see the screen shot below.Screen shot of DataFinder 3.0I was intrigued by the by the changes in lif...

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Logistic map: Feigenbaum diagram


The other day I found some old basic code I had written about 15 years ago on a Mac Classic II to plot the Feigenbaum diagram for the logistic map. I remember, it took the little computer the whole night to produce the chart.With today’s computers even a for-loop in a scripting language like R takes only a few <- function(r...

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Copy and paste small data sets into R


How can I embed a small data set into my R code? That was the question I came across today, when I prepared my talk about Dynamical Systems in R with simecol for the forthcoming Cologne R user group meeting. I wanted to add all the R code of the talk to the last slide. That’s easy, but the presentation makes use of a small data set of 3 columns...

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Reminder: Kölner R User Group meets on 30 March 2012


Venue: Sion em Keldenich, Weyertal 47, 50937 Cologne, Germany, 6 p.m., 30 March 2012, View Larger MapFor more details and registration see the Kölner R User Group page. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: mages' blog. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutoria...

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Review: Kölner R Meeting 30 March 2012


The first Kölner R user meeting was great fun. About 20 useRs had turned up to exchange their ideas, questions and experience with R. Three talks about R & Excel, ggplot2 & XeLaTeX and Dynamical systems with R & simecol had kicked off the evening, with Kölsch (beer) losing our tongues further.Thankfully a lot of people had brought along their l...

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Sweeping through data in R


How do you apply one particular row of your data to all other rows?Today I came across a data set which showed the revenue split by product and location. The data was formated to show only the split by product for each location and the overall split by location, similar to the example in the table below.Revenue by product and continent AfricaAmer...

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