Publications by Markus Gesmann
Interactive presentation with slidify and googleVis
Last week I was invited to give an introduction to googleVis at Lancaster University. This time I decided to use the R package slidify for my talk. Slidify, like knitr, is built on Markdown and makes it very easy to create beautiful HTML5 presentations.Introduction to googleVisSeparating content from layout is always a good idea. Mark...
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Interactive slides with googleVis on shiny
Following on from last week's post, here are my slides on using googleVis on shiny from the Advanced R workshop at Lancaster University, 21 May 2013.googleVis on shinyAgain, I wrote my slides in RMarkdown and I used slidify to create the HTML5 presentation. Unfortunately you may have to reload the slides that use googleVis on shiny as...
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R package development
Building R packages is not particular hard, but it can be a bit of a daunting endeavour at the beginning, particularly if you are more of a statistician than a computer scientist or programmer. Some concepts may appear foreign or like red tape, yet many of them evolved over time for a reason. They help to stay organise, collaborate mo...
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googleVis 0.4.3 released with improved Geocharts
The Google Charts Tools provide two kinds of heat map charts for geographical data, the Flash based Geomap and the HTML5/SVG based Geochart. I prefer the Geochart as it doesn't require Flash, but so far there have been two shortcomings with it: I couldn't add additional tooltip information and the default Mercator projection shows Gre...
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There is definitely R in July
The useR!2013 conference in Albacete, Spain, will commence next Wednesday, 10 July, and on the day before Diego and I will give a googleVis tutorial. The following Monday, 15 July, the first R in Insurance event will take place at Cass Business School and I am absolutely delighted with the programme and the fact that we are sold out. On Tuesday, ...
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googleVis tutorial at useR!2013
Today Diego and I will give our googleVis tutorial at useR!2013 in Albacete, Spain.googleVis Tutorial at useR! 2013We will cover:Introduction and motivationGoogle Chart ToolsR package googleVisConcepts of googleVisCase studiesgoogleVis on shiny Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their bl...
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Quick review: R in Insurance Conference
Yesterday the first R in Insurance conference took place at Cass Business School in London. I think the event went really well, but as a member of the organising committee my view is probably skewed. Still, we had a variety of talks, a full house, a great conference dinner and to top it all, the Tower Bridge opened while we had our dr...
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Review: Kölner R Meeting 19 July 2013
Despite the hot weather and the beginning of the school holiday season in North Rhine Westphalia the Cologne R user group met yet again for two fascinating talks and beer and schnitzel afterwards.Analysing Twitter data to evaluate the US Dollar / Euro exchange ratesDietmar Janetzko presented ideas to forecast US Dollar / Euro exchange...
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R in Insurance: Presentations are online
The programme and the presentation files of the first R in Insurance conference have been published on GitHub.Front slides of the conference presentationsAdditionally to the slides many presenters have made their R code available as well:Alexander McNeil shared the examples of the CreditRisk+ model he presented. Lola Miranda made a Wi...
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Setting axes limits with googleVis
I posted about the various googleVis axis options for base charts, such as line, bar and area charts earlier, but I somehow forgot to mention how to set the axes limits.Unfortunately, there are no arguments such as ylim and xlim. Instead, the Google Charts axes options are set via hAxes and vAxes, with h and v indicating the horizonta...
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