Tony Mei 37
Data 606 Lab9 Latest
download.file("", destfile = "evals.RData") load("evals.RData") Exploring the data Is this an observational study or an experiment? The original research question posed in the paper is whether...
10280 sym R (7644 sym/27 pcs) 13 img
Prof. Tim Fraser 37
Importing and Tidying Data in R (Student Version) Latest
Module 4: Enter the Tidyverse Workshop 4: Importing and Tidying Data Module 4: Enter the Tidyverse 0. Load Packages 1. Importing Data 1.1. Loading Data from a Package Learning Check 1.1 1.2. Loading Data from a Spreadsheet Online Learning Check...
12555 sym R (9924 sym/44 pcs) 1 tbl
meetup_test Latest
R Markdown I am Michael This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a...
610 sym 1 img
Chapter1-MathStat Latest
Chapter1 R Markdown この講義で使用する教科書は、東大出版会の統計学入門です。万人にオススメできる標準的な教科書になってます。...
1039 sym R (1636 sym/27 pcs) 3 img
Dirk Hartog 37
R-programming Bridge Course W1 Homework Latest
Problem 1 Write a loop that calculates 12 factorial x <- 1 for(i in 1:12){ x <- x * i } x ## [1] 479001600 Problem 2 Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. y <- seq(20, 50, by = 5) y ## [1] 20 25 30...
327 sym
Uma análise do twitter da UNIRIO Latest
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Uma análise do twitter da UNIRIO ## Uma avaliação informal da estratégia de comunicação da UNIRIO ### Esse é um projeto DATAUNIRIO --- <style type="text/css"> #@import...
31100 sym
Yucheng Zhang 37
Document Latest
1 DATA PREPARATION ## √ Successfully imported: 308 obs. of 185 variables ## [1] "BMDM" "creativityV" "coachingV" "pychcapitalV" "trustV" ## [6] "YG1_a" "YG2_a" "LD3" ## [1] "BMDM" "creativityV"...
232 sym 9 img
Riddhiman 37
Regression Diagnostic Plots using R and Plotly Latest
Plotly is a platform for making, editing, and sharing customizable and interactive graphs. Embedding Plotly graphs in a R-Markdown document is very easy. Here, we will genarate a R-Markdown document with embedded Plotly charts to visualize...
2026 sym R (3241 sym/4 pcs) 8 img
Syllabus Latest
Instructor: Vinish Shrestha Email: Setting: Online Description Economics is a versatile discipline such that the concepts of economics can be blended together with a wide spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to...
7490 sym 2 tbl
Raul Cantu - A01087683 37
Document Latest
Símbolos ^ ~ Asignación de Variables x <- 3 y <- 2 Impresión de Resultados x ## [1] 3 y ## [1] 2 Operaciones Aritméticas suma <- x+y suma ## [1] 5 resta <- x-y resta ## [1] 1 multiplicacion <- x*y multiplicacion ## [1] 6 division <-...
1140 sym 2 img