Jesus Martinez Gutierrez 37
Caso prueba Latest
#Objetivo Construir un conjunto de datos personas #Descripcion Contruir conjunto de datos personas con dos variables: nombres y edades #Desarrollo ##Construir los datos nombres <- c("RUBEN", "PATY", "OSCAR", "LUIS", "ERNESTO", "OLGA") edades <-...
283 sym R (400 sym/6 pcs)
Document Latest
Introduction For teachers, psychologists, researchers, and friends and family member, people are highly-complex and not easily able to be characterized by a single characteristic or personality trait. In the social sciences, broadly, and in...
27868 sym R (2607 sym/13 pcs) 1 img
PAVE Agency Activity Latest
PAVE Agency Activity HTI Labs — 04/29/2021 Purpose: This internal facing document is meant to present client use of PAVE overall as well as on an agency by agency basis. The data represent all legitimate agencies in the production...
1193 sym 8 img
Millsy 37
Does a Proclamation of Increased Workout Load Matter? Latest
I forgot to link this up, but I have a new article (joint with our editor) over at Fantasy Ball Junkie. I run an extremely crude model to see if players who were mentioned in the media as having lost weight, gained muscle, gained...
1178 sym 2 img
aardvarkfunnyxia 37
Document Latest
### Extension: Getting to know with what is substring ## create a data frame df <- data.frame (team = c ("Ahmad", "Bachelot", "Charles", "Douglass", "Friedman")) # view the data frame df ## team ## 1 Ahmad ## 2 Bachelot ## 3 Charles ## 4...
13 sym
GRUPO 6 37
Ejercicio 3 Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
968 sym 1 img
Posts on R-hub blog 37
Mocking is catching Latest
When writing unit tests for a package, you might find yourself wondering about how to best test the behaviour of your package when the data it’s supposed to munge has this or that quirk, when the operating system is Windows, when a package...
5705 sym R (820 sym/2 pcs)
Valensius Jimy (20214920005) 37
tugasasd1 Latest
Email : RPubs : Jurusan : Statistika Address : Jalan Promoter 41, Lengkong Gudang Timur, ...
21662 sym 3 img
Trishita Nath 37
Week 1 Assignment Latest
Introduction I asked 1,058 respondents a SurveyMonkey poll the following questions about their Thanksgiving: DataSet: Github Link:...
747 sym R (16238 sym/28 pcs) 2 img