Juvenal Campos 37
Bootstrap RayShader Latest
Generación de un gráfico en 3D mediante la librería Rayshader. En el presente código se repasa la lógica detrás del proceso de análisis mediante bootstrap y el graficado de coeficientes en 3D. Proceso de generación de la información....
1604 sym R (3061 sym/18 pcs) 6 img
Document Latest
1 Measures of dissimilarities 1.1 Classical distances A distance function or metric on the space \(\mathbb{R}^n,\:n\geq 1\), is a function \(d:\mathbb{R}^n\times\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\). It must satisfy some required axioms. P1....
11099 sym
R References Latest
Some Useful Cheat Sheets for R. For beginners: For stats: R Markdown R...
2385 sym
Noel Carrillo Castañeda 37
Caso 1. Poblacion y muestra Latest
Objetivo Identificar datos de población y muestra. Descripción Se cargan datos de un archivo que representa una población de jugadores de fútbol a nivel mundial y se extraen muestras que permiten observar algunos estadísticos. Las variables...
5130 sym R (3521 sym/41 pcs)
James 37
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R Latest
I have just reviewed the book Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R which has been published in the September2009 issue of the Royal Statistical Society’s Significance magazine. Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R is an accessible text that...
1313 sym 4 img
Ofek - Vigilantism Latest
Ofek - vigilantism Data preparation Item Q6_4 was reversed. Item Q12_3 was reversed. Following the recommendations of … we removed subjects who hurried through the questionnaire, completing it in less than a third of the average completion...
2700 sym 4 img 6 tbl
Neal Quizon 37
Exploratory Data Analysis of the BRFSS2013 Data Latest
Setup Load packages setwd("D:/Caraga PeerProject/") Load packages library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) Load data load("brfss2013.RData") Part 1: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data set The Behavioral Risk Factor...
4418 sym R (1718 sym/23 pcs) 2 img
Jack Tortolani 37
Best Practices 1 Latest
Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes...
1653 sym
Longhow Lam 37
Some simple facial analytics on actors (and my manager) Latest
Some time ago I was at a party, inevitably, a question that came up was: “Longhow what kind of work are you doing?” I answered: I am a data scientist I have the most sexy job, do you want me to show you how to use deep learning for facial...
4194 sym 20 img
Ivan Svetunkov 37
This is just a test page for Latest
This is just a test page for Ignore it, please. es() allows selecting between AIC (Akaike Information Criterion), AICc (Akaike Information Criterion corrected) and BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion, also known as Schwarz...
1588 sym R (515 sym/2 pcs) 2 img