
Imelda Sianturi 21

Probability Distribution Latest


1 Binomial Distribution 1.1 Question What is a binomial distribution in Statistics? What is binomial distribution used for? Please argue 4 requirements needed to be a binomial distribution? Is a binomial distribution a normal distribution?...

38204 sym R (864 sym/21 pcs) 2 img

R Bridge Week 1 HW Latest


Ian Costello Question 1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial First, I created a function and assigned “y” for a number “n.” Assigned initial value “x” for loop as 1. Factorials can only be non-zero positive integers, with the...

1485 sym R (317 sym/6 pcs)

ivannp 21

ARMA Models for Trading Latest


In this tutorial I am going to share my R&D and trading experience using the well-known from statistics Autoregressive Moving Average Model (ARMA). There is a lot written about these models, however, I strongly recommend Introductory Time Series...

7779 sym R (4979 sym/7 pcs) 4 img

Ivan E. Reynoza Gonzalez 21

Hola Mundo Markdown en R Latest


Es un archivo markdown encabezado en primer nivel Es un sub encabezado de segundo nivel Es un subencabezado de tercer nivel Es un sub encabezado de cuarto nivel Texto libre, aqui puede ir lo que deseamos escribir, tal vez como descripcion o...

294 sym

Severe Weather Events Latest


Synopsis This RMarkdown file contains a brief analysis of severe weather events. The data was sourced from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database (download link). This assignment is a partial fulfillment...

2874 sym R (3977 sym/21 pcs) 2 img

Javier Ayala-A00823958 21

Segmentación de Mercado Latest


Librerías library(dplyr) library(factoextra) library(ggplot2) library(cluster) library(data.table) Ventas Importar base de datos Como observación, en este análisis se omite el paso de entender base de datos ya que esta base de datos es...

19399 sym R (7934 sym/52 pcs) 9 img

Jazveck Torres Esparza 21

Hola Mundo Markdown Latest


#Encabezado primer niivel ##Encabezado segundo nivel ###Tercer nivel Cuarto Nivel Texto libre, aqui puedo escribir...

123 sym

Sesión 2 Introduction to ARMA process and stationarity Latest


Modeling stationary time series Universidad Privada Boliviana Author Prof. J. Dávalos (Ph.d.) Modeling stationary time series - ARMA models Introduction We need to model/create/represent/mimic, a stationary TS We start by building the...

10600 sym 7 img

Jesus Garcia 21

leer datos personas url y public Latest


Importar datos de personas leer datos personas Utilizar la funcion read.csv() para leer datos de personas de una direccion url personas <- read.csv("",encoding = "UTF-8" )...

197 sym R (1580 sym/3 pcs)

Jhoselyn 21

U1A2 Latest


#Segundo Ejercicio de Estadistica Aplicada #Unidad 1 Asignacion 2 U1A2 #Tablas de frecuencia e histogramas #31 de Agosto del 2020 #Jhoselyn Chavez Pacheco #Paquetes library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects...

12 sym R (1416 sym/14 pcs) 7 img