
Brayan Daniel Pastrana Pérez 21

hola mundo markdown en R Latest


Esto es un archivo markdown Esto es un subencabezado Esto es un subencabezado de tercer nivel Esto es un subencabezado de cuarto nivel Texto libre, aquí es lo que ponemos lo que queremos escribir...

210 sym

Ben Jaffe 21

Lab1_Intro to R Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

666 sym R (483 sym/5 pcs) 1 img

Rueda Martinez Christhoper Israel 21

Hola Mundo Markdown en R Latest


Es un archivo markdow encabezado de primer nivel Es un encabezado de segundo nivel Es un encabezado de tercer nivel Es un subencabezado de cuarto nivel Texto libre, aquí puede ir lo que deseamos escribir, tal vez como descripción o...

286 sym

Code R 21

How to make a shaded relief in R Latest


While trying to build a circular colour scale to plot angles and wind direction, I stumbled upon an easy way to make shaded reliefs in R. You known, when you look at cool maps of mountain areas where peaks and valleys are easily distinguishable...

3155 sym R (6285 sym/6 pcs) 8 img

Fresno Vaccination Analysis Latest


Fresno Vaccination Analysis Information about population, ethnicity, and race was updated from the American Community Survey 2019 (2015 - 2019 ACS 5 - Year Data Profile) Percentage of...

758 sym 1 tbl

test import excel Latest


This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing...

2445 sym R (589 sym/5 pcs)

Daniel Hocking 21

Another boring blog Latest


I recently decided to create two blogs as outlets for my research.  The first (The Richness of Life) focuses more on the organisms I work with as an ecologist and my general interest as a student of natural history.  This blog on...

2238 sym 4 img

Daniela Gonzalez (204503) 21

U1A1 Latest


U1A1 Daniela Gonzalez (204503) 28/1/2021 Calculos básicos 3+2 ## [1] 5 3-2 ## [1] 1 4-4 ## [1] 0 3*2 ## [1] 6 4*5 ## [1] 20 10/2 ## [1] 5 3^2 ## [1] 9 3^7 ## [1] 2187 2^(-3) ## [1] 0.125 100^(1/2) ## [1] 10 sqrt(100) ## [1] 10 pi ## [1]...

115 sym R (294 sym/38 pcs)

Delia Ortega 21

Document Latest


require(raster) ## Loading required package: raster ## Loading required package: sp require(rgdal) ## Loading required package: rgdal ## rgdal: version: 1.5-16, (SVN revision 1050) ## Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R...

10 sym R (6031 sym/15 pcs) 5 img

Derek-Jones 21

Variations in the literal representation of Pi Latest


The numbers system I am developing attempts to match numeric literals contained in a file against a database of interesting numbers. One of the things I did to quickly build a reasonably sized database of reliable values was to extract numeric...

3596 sym R (479 sym/1 pcs) 16 img