Publications by Daniel Hocking

Another boring blog


I recently decided to create two blogs as outlets for my research.  The first (The Richness of Life) focuses more on the organisms I work with as an ecologist and my general interest as a student of natural history.  This blog on Quantitative Ecology stems from my recent obsessive frustration with analyzing various data sets.  I ha...

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GLMM and R issues


I have been trying to run a Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) for some count data with repeated measures on sub-sampled sites and fixed effects at the site level with covariates at both the sub-plot and time levels.  Plus there are different numbers of sub-plots within each site and not all sub-plots are sampled the same number o...

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JAGS – Bayesian Analysis


JAGS is used for Bayesian analysis using MCMC and stands for Just Another Gibbs Sampler.  It is an alternative to WinBUGS and can be accessed through R just like WinBUGS (via R2jags or RJags).  It will work on a Mac unlike WinBUGS.  The only problem is that most books include WinBUGS examples and not JAGS examples.  However, much of the langu...

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R Workflow


When working with R you end up using a large number of datasets, packages, functions, objects, output files, workspaces, etc.  It can get a bit overwhelming trying to keep everything organized.  That is why a consistent, well-organized workflow is needed.  I definitely do not have one yet.  I’ll post more on script editors and IDEs another...

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Why use R


Here’s a link to a blog that lists some reasons to use R Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Quantitative Ecology. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics...

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R GUIs, IDEs, and text editors


When deciding what program to write your R code in it is important to consider a number of factors so you can keep organized and work efficiently.  I found this article useful for getting started.  Text editors include syntax highlighting and other useful features often including text auto-complete functions.  Integrated Development Envi...

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Introductory R Books


Here’s a link to another blog compiling information and recommendations are introductory books on R (not statistics books that use R).  I thought this might be useful for people. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on...

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I’m always looking for ways to improve my workflow and overall academic efficiency. I’ve tried a variety of text editors, GUIs, and integrated development environments (IDEs) for R. I have some preferences but I haven’t found anything that I’m completely happy with. I just heard about a new one from RStudio and am going to giv...

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More on R-Studio


Here’s a link to keyboard shortcuts for the RStudio IDE. RStudio has replaced EMacs, Aquamacs, Tinn-R, Bluefish, and even Komodo Edit as my preferred R IDE/editor. Related To leave a comment fo...

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I have been starting to analyze some data I have of repeated counts of salamanders from 5 plots over 4 years. I am trying to develop a predictive model of salamander nighttime surface activity as a function of weather variables. The repeated counting leads to the need for Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM). Count data often result...

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