Data 607 - Assignment 12 NoSQL Latest
NoSQL Assignment For this assignment, you should take information from a relational database and migrate it to a NoSQL database of your own choosing. For the relational database, you might use the flights database, the tb database, the “data...
1644 sym R (1953 sym/14 pcs)
Statistische Datenanalyse mit R 81
8 - Grafiken (2) Latest
Das ggplot2-Paket Im Gegensatz zum Base-Plotting-System muss das Paket ggplot2 installiert (install.packages("ggplot2")) und geladen werden: library(ggplot2) Das Paket ist eine Implementierung der sogenannten Grammar of Graphics, welche...
8213 sym R (2127 sym/28 pcs) 22 img
dan 81
R video tutorial number 1 Latest
LEARN R BY JUST WATCHING For this week, Decision Science News has created a video tutorial on how to get started using the R Language for Statistical Computing. (The tutorial is best viewed in your browser’s full-screen mode, try pressing F11...
1284 sym 4 img
Richfield Spring Coyote Conflict Risk Map Latest
Predicting Where You Could Meet a Coyote on Richfield Trails This map shows Metro Collaborative Trails within Richfield city limits. These trails are shown with the predicted likelihood of encountering a coyote on that section of trail compared to...
2267 sym 1 img
CUNY SPS_DATA607_Assignment1 Latest
Title: CUNY SPS MDS Data_607_Assignment1" Author: Charles Ugiagbe Date: “8/29/2021” Introduction This data is about The Economic Guide to picking a college Major The data shows numbers of graduate from different college major and their...
744 sym R (11606 sym/17 pcs)
Chia-Chi Shih 79
莊智淵vs林昀儒 2021歐洲聯賽 Latest
選手 A 莊智淵 : 先發 B 林昀儒 : 先接 定義 開局:0-4分 中局:5-8分 局末:任一人拿到9分開始 關鍵球局:雙方比方皆達到9分以上 開局領先:先取得4分...
608 sym 4 img 34 tbl
吳靜芳 79
in class exercise 5 Latest
Data management In this section, we load the exam scores data set, activate the help page for it, and examine the first 6 lines of the data frame object. # install a contributed package #install.packages("mlmRev") # load the package to working...
769 sym R (1325 sym/12 pcs) 1 img
D. S. Fernandez del Viso 79
Diagramas de Flujo para Pruebas Estadísticas Latest
Enlaces a diagramas de flujo (“flow charts”) para seleccionar pruebas estadísticas Statistical Test Flowchart Choosing Appropriate Statistics Test Which Hypothesis Test Should I use? How-to guide for analyzing data and conducting statistical...
272 sym
Derek Jones 79
Transition probabilities when adjacent sequence items must be different Latest
Generating a random sequence from a fixed set of items is a common requirement, e.g., given the items A, B and C we might generate the sequence BACABCCBABC. Often the randomness is tempered by requirements such as each item having each item...
3418 sym R (1461 sym/6 pcs) 6 tbl
Brian Lee Yung Rowe 79
New version of R package futile released Latest
The latest version of futile was released to CRAN yesterday. This release broke out the various functions into self-contained sub-packages with the base futile package hanging around as a wrapper to ensure loading of the most recent stable...
1218 sym 16 img