
Claudio Bustos 76

Análisis evolución Covid-19 (20/03/2020) Latest


NOTA: Lo que presento aquí es un ejemplo de como realizar análisis de series de tiempo, usando datos de la evolución total de casos disponible en fuentes públicas en internet. No tiene ninguna validez epidemiológica, ya que eso requería un...

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jrcuesta 76

PCA file calculation with "R". Latest


X es la matriz centrada (X is the centered matrix). Xcov es la matriz de covarianzas de X (Xcov is the covariance matrix of X).Con la función “eigen” calculamos los “eigenvectors” y “eigenvalues” de Xcov.(With the function “eigen”...

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Piotr Staszkiewicz 76

Cwiczenia 1 Audyt Latest


Piotr Staszkiewicz Wyrażenia 1.1 Wpisz cokolwiek w oknie dialogowym, a R obliczy to i wypisze odpowiedź. Spróbujmy trochę prostej matematyki. Wpisz poniższe polecenie. 1 + 1 ## [1] 2 [1] 2 Oto Twój wynik, 2. Jest on wypisany na konsoli...

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R on 75

Filling Ordered Facets From the Bottom Row Latest


On Twitter the other day, Philip Cohen put up some data on changes in Bachelor’s degrees awarded between 1995 and 2015. The data come from the National Center for Education Statistics. It seemed like a good candidate for drawing as a figure, so...

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Jozef's Rblog 75

R:case4base – reshape data with base R Latest


Contents Introduction How to use this article Basic wide to long reshape Basic long to wide reshape Advanced reshape Alternatives to base R TL;DR – Just want the code Exercises References Exercise answers Discuss the article Introduction This...

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Dariia Mykhailyshyna 75

Charity R Workshops in support of Ukraine Latest


Learn R (as well as Python and other tools for data analysis) and contribute to charity at the same time.  Since April, we have been running a series of weekly workshops on R and other tools for data analysis, all proceeds from which go to...

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Anthony B. Masters 75

Self-Selecting Surveys Latest


R Markdown I intend to create a graph showing Facebook surveys against the results of actual pollng. The Google Sheets file may be viewed here. Packages and Themes We are going to need the pivot_longer function, so you need to download the latest...

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Bob Carpenter 75

Super Sam Fuld Needs Your Help (with Foul Ball stats) Latest


I was pleasantly surprised to have my recreational reading about baseball in the New Yorker interrupted by a digression on statistics. Sam Fuld of the Tampa Bay Rays, was the subjet of a Ben McGrath profile in the 4 July 2011 issue of the New...

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Sebastian Robledo 75

tosr WoS and Scopus Latest


Creating the environment library(tidyverse) library(tosr) library(bibliometrix) library(igraph) Creating ToS from Scopus and WoS tos_wos_scopus <- tosR("wos.txt", "scopus.bib") ## [1] 2 ## ## Converting your wos collection into a...

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George Pipis 75

Report Coronavirus (COVID-19) in R Latest


This post is about COVID-19 and we will an example of how you can get the data of the daily “confirmed”, “recovered” and “death” cases by country. In essence, we will show you how you can have access to the data used by Johns Hopkins...

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