Publications by Piotr Staszkiewicz



This is test for Piot to show you how to create the context # scritp for demonstratrion data<- c(1,2,3,4,5) data[2:4] [1] 2 3 4 LS0tCnRpdGxlOiAiUiBOb3RlYm9vayIKb3V0cHV0OiBodG1sX25vdGVib29rCi0tLQoKVGhpcyBpcyB0ZXN0IGZvciBQaW90IHRvIHNob3cgeW91IGhvdyB0byBjcmVhdGUgdGhlIGNvbnRleHQKCgpgYGB7cn0KIyBzY3JpdHAgZm9yIGRlbW9uc3RyYXRyaW9uCgpkYXRhPC0gYygxLDIsMyw0L...

314 sym

Audit Index


Zasady zaliczenia/Class rules PL: EN: CW 1 – R basic PL: EN: Cw -2 Rynek audytowy/Audit market PL EN: Cw - 3 Pró...

1571 sym

OP Audit 2025


Obligatory task L 2025 First due date: 1 May 2025 Revision dl: 1 June 2025 All date replicable in R State the scope of the usage of AI type, version Disclose any part of the data generated by the AI Report due as the pubs publicaton (no, pdf, no words), please sent the links though Niezbednik Data Bank.cvs Audit_2025_Investment Trade Lon_Porfol...

2354 sym 4 tbl

PWN Rozterka


Franciszek jest partnerem zarządzającym w firmie Ostrożny Audytor Sp. z o.o. W trakcie badania sprawozdań finansowych Tartak SA zespół audytowy nie został dopuszczony do inwentaryzacji zapasów, ponieważ kontrakt na badanie został podpisany po inwentaryzacji. W czasie badania Małgosia stwierdziła, że protokoły z posiedzenia rady na...

5279 sym

FM Duration


library(quantmod) Define bond parameters face_value <- 1000 coupon_rate <- 0.05 # 5% annual coupon rate maturity_years <- 5 yield_to_maturity <- 0.04 # 4% annual yield to maturity Calculate cash flows cash_flows <- rep(coupon_rate * face_value, maturity_years) cash_flows[maturity_years] <- cash_flows[maturity_years] + face_value Calculate ...

2654 sym R (761 sym/9 pcs)



Lecture x<-c(4,2,3, 5, 6) x mean(x) sd(x) var(x) X = 1,2,3 Y = 4,2,0 X = c(1,2,3) Y = c(4,2,0) paste0(" Mean of X = ", mean(X)) paste0(" Mean of Y = ", mean(Y)) paste0(" Mean of X+Y = ", mean(X+Y)) paste0(" Var of X = ", var(X)) paste0(" Var of Y = ", var(Y)) paste0(" Var of X+Y = ", var(X+Y)) paste0(" Cov(X,y) of X+Y = "...

10141 sym R (1900 sym/13 pcs) 1 img



Demonstrating the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in R Understanding CAPM The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a model that describes the relationship between systematic risk and expected return for a financial asset. It’s often used to price assets and evaluate investment performance.   R Code Implementation library(quantmod) ## Ła...

1603 sym R (973 sym/20 pcs)



Microsoft WACC Page: Let us calculate WACC for Microsoft Using R and Financial Data Understanding the Components: To calculate WACC for Microsoft, we need the following: Cost of Debt: This can be estimated from the yield to maturity of Microsoft’s bonds. Cost of Equity: This can be estimated using the Ca...

1636 sym R (3107 sym/15 pcs)

FM Portfolio Basic


Harry Markowitz’s Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is a cornerstone in finance. It posits that investors should construct portfolios based on expected returns and risk (measured by variance or standard deviation). The goal is to maximize returns for a given level of risk, or minimize risk for a given level of return. Let us start from the basic ...

1521 sym R (1413 sym/16 pcs)

FM Portfolio Return analusis


Return analysis Libraries installation: install.packages(“quantmod”) install.packages(“PerformanceAnalytics”) install.packages(“dygraphs”) install.packages(“corrplot”) #install.packages("quantmod") #install.packages("PerformanceAnalytics") #install.packages("dygraphs") #install.packages("corrplot") Load packages: library(quant...

828 sym R (3037 sym/26 pcs) 1 img