Publications by Piotr Staszkiewicz



I am doibn whatever 1+1 [1] 2 LS0tCnRpdGxlOiAiUiBOb3RlYm9vayIKb3V0cHV0OiBodG1sX25vdGVib29rCi0tLQoKCkkgYW0gZG9pYm4gd2hhdGV2ZXIKCmBgYHtyfQoxKzEKYGBgCgo=...

146 sym

L02 Market Comparision


L2 Financial markets microstructure Basic example Download basic statistic of NASDAQ and London Stock Exchange and compare them We start with the loading library if you not have them install.packages using the Tool from menu. We will need the following libraries: ‘library(quantmod)’ for index data Let us load the libary ‘quantmod’ lib...

2271 sym R (2438 sym/22 pcs)

FM 5 Financial


available from ( Retriving the financial statements into R How to get the financial statements into R Let us set up the needed libraries. If you do not have installed any of such the libraries below you need first. install.packages(“edgar”, dependencies = FALSE), and replace “edgar”, which t...

1223 sym R (9237 sym/32 pcs)

FM 03 Price Discovery


avaialable from ( Introduction Dynamic Market: Stock prices fluctuate constantly based on various factors like supply and demand, news, and economic indicators. Order Book: A collection of buy and sell orders at different prices. Price Discovery: The process of determining a fair market price...

2325 sym R (4291 sym/34 pcs)

FM 02 A Stock tme serries


web page: Note data folder: Stock: Time serries Download from Dropbox the file: Strategy 1. Learn how to import the prepared data from the exel. cvs ifiel Cw10_idm_d the above ...

4867 sym R (5533 sym/68 pcs) 10 img

My frist document to the World


Nazwyam się Stasiek This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. plot(cars) Add a new chunk by clicking the Insert Chunk button on the toolbar or ...

1956 sym



This is a new text LS0tDQp0aXRsZTogIlIgTm90ZWJvb2siDQpvdXRwdXQ6IGh0bWxfbm90ZWJvb2sNCi0tLQ0KDQpUaGlzIGlzIGEgbmV3ICB0ZXh0...

123 sym

Obligatory task


Limited systemati literarutre review: Based on this reading list: Write a systematic literature review: House style: Use Accounting, Oragnizations and Society Size up to: 8000 words Authors: up to two a...

2477 sym

FM 2024 obligatory


avaialable from Obligatory exersise Technical issues Format: liknk to published rpubs Form of transfer: only through Niezbednik, section send letter to leading - please past and copy link to published page Team: a maximum of three people, each person from a different country. On the front of the r...

15341 sym R (2578 sym/5 pcs) 8 tbl

2024 Reading List SLR


Bracci, Enrico. ‘The Loopholes of Algorithmic Public Services: An “Intelligent” Accountability Research Agenda’. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 36, no. 2 (27 March 2023): 739–63. Commerford, Benjamin P., Sean A. Dennis, Jennifer R. Joe, and Jenny W. Ulla. ‘Man Versus Machine: ...

3491 sym