Publications by Dan
Aprendizaje no supervisado
Aprendizaje no Supervisado Aprendizaje no Supervisado INTRODUCCIÓN METODOLOGÍA 1. Preparación de los datos: 2. Aplicación de Métodos para segmentación de los datos: 3. Descripción de variables y estadísticas descriptivas DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS VARIABLES Y RESULTADOS DESCRIPTIVOS 1. MATRIZ DE ...
65832 sym 13 img 8 tbl
Aprendizaje Supervisado
Aprendizaje Supervisado Aprendizaje Supervisado INTRODUCCIÓN METODOLOGÍA ANÁLISIS DESCRIPTIVO 1. Comparación de las exportaciones agrícolas 2. Importaciones de servivios comerciales. 3. Relación entre Acceso a Internet y Esperanza de Vida por categoría. 4. Esperanza de Vida según su categoría **...
23524 sym 1 img 5 tbl
Taller de Regresión Lineal
Análisis de Regresión Lineal Análisis de Regresión Lineal INTRODUCCIÓN METODOLOGÍA RESULTADOS DESCRIPTIVOS RESULTADOS DEL MODELO BIBLIOGRAFÍA Janer Darío Bolaños Quiñones Daniel Felipe Rengifo Valentina Nuñez Alejandro Franco 2024-10-11 INTRODUCCIÓN En este trabajo se utilizará una base de datos de ventas de ...
25245 sym 12 img
my document
seccion de resultados distribucvion de probabilidad vamos a mostrara una dsitribucion de variable aleatoria y nominal x=rnorm(100) y=rbinom(100,10,0.4) hist(x) hist(y) boxplot(x) para analizar realizaremos: -cargar datos -elemento -elemento el siguiente elemento: \(y=f(x)+\varepsilon\) \(\int_{0}^{1} x²2dx\) ## resumen estadistico summary(x) #...
287 sym 3 img
library(readr) ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.3.2 Facebook_1_ <- read_csv("Facebook (1).csv") ## Rows: 495 Columns: 15 ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## D...
9 sym R (834 sym/5 pcs) 1 img
Project 2
Assignment The basic goal of this assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about severe weather events. You must use the database to answer the questions below and show the code for your entire analysis. Your analysis can consist of tables, figures, or other summaries. You may use any R package you want to su...
1817 sym R (14854 sym/20 pcs) 2 img
R video tutorial number 1
LEARN R BY JUST WATCHING For this week, Decision Science News has created a video tutorial on how to get started using the R Language for Statistical Computing. (The tutorial is best viewed in your browser’s full-screen mode, try pressing F11 in Windows). R is free and open source, and constantly being improved upon by countless contributors w...
1284 sym 4 img
R video tutorial number 2
READ TEXT FILES, RUN MODELS The Decision Science News R video tutorials continue with number 2. (If you missed that last one, you will want to watch R Video Tutorial Number 1 first.) The Goldstein pedometer dataset can be downloaded from Topics covered this week include: Tricking R int...
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Heuristics for statistics
SIMPLE WAYS TO DETECT AND COMMUNICATE STATISTICAL EFFECTS Decision Science News is fond of heuristics and the Simonian view that for many problems organisms face, optimization is a fiction and satisficing makes us smart. Statistics is an area in which it is easy to see precision that isn’t there and find “optima” in problems that lack the...
1350 sym 4 img
Get your R on
useR! CONFERENCE, AUGUST 12-14 2008, DORTMUND GERMANY Impressive statistical computing types like Andrew Gelman, Gary King, and others will be presenting at this year’s useR! conference. Decision Science News might just have to hop over and check it out. The program looks great. Those interested in learning R might be interested in our Decisio...
2401 sym 4 img